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5 Ways to Make This Your Best Galentine’s Day Yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we are reminded of all the love around us. Not only for significant others, but also for our friends and family. This year it does not matter if you’re single or taken— as long as you have your girls, you’re ready for Galentine’s Day 2020! Here are some activities for you and your girl gang to do this year.

Have a Photoshoot

There’s nothing that can boost your confidence more than a photoshoot. Get dressed up in your favorite outfit and head out with your friends. Go around your city or to your favorite spot and take some of your best photos yet. Not only is this a bonding experience, but it also allows you to document the day.

Go to Brunch

An amazing way to start your Galentine’s Day would be to have a brunch with your girl gang. Head out to your favorite brunch spot or order in. To get even more time together, make the brunch from scratch rather than ordering in or going out.

Paint Canvases

When my friend and I are stressed, we enjoy sitting around and painting canvases. Also nights spent inside are usually the best. Head to Wal Mart and grab a pack canvases and then let the creative juices flow. Whether your canvas is for your upcoming sorority big-little reveal or just to hang above your bed, it is a relaxing activity that can be spent with a large group of people.

Go to the Movies 

No one dislikes going to the movies, so get your friends together and head out! Although this doesn’t allow for a lot of one-on-one time, it’s a time to sit and relax, and a movie will definitely spark conversation afterwards. My personal recommendation would be to see the film, “The Photograph”. If staying in sounds more appealing than going to the movie theatre, find someone to host a night in and have a movie marathon!

Go Shoppin

Nothing beats some girl time at the mall. This year for Galentine’s Day, grab your closest friends and head to the mall for a small (or large) shopping spree. Not only will you be able to have some needed time with friends, but you can also see what new spring collections have already come out!

Deja Scott

DePauw '22

DePauw 2022 Economics and Sociology Major