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5 Ways to Get Back Into the Swing of Things

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

After a long 3 months off your routine, it can be hard to jump back into classes, late night study sessions, and meetings that sometimes feel endless. Making a smooth transition from summer to the new semester can be tough if you aren’t prepared. Here are some tips to make you feel your best! 

  1. Organization is key: Get a planner!! Write down your class times the first few days before you get into the routine. Write down any meetings you have coming up, friends and family’s birthdays or anything you can’t forget! 
  2. Set goals: Write down not only what you want to accomplish this semester but how you will do it… and start now! If you want to improve your fitness, develop a gym routine before classes get too hectic. If you want an A in your psych class, do the readings and get advice from the professor ASAP. A new semester can be a clean slate, so starting right away can give you the motivation you need, and your mind will be at ease knowing you are working towards a better you!
  3. Treat yo’ self: You should always do this, of course. But giving yourself something to look forward to or a new something-something to show off is always fun! Plan a dinner date with your squad for the first week back, get your hair done before heading to campus or get excited for that yoga class you’ve always wanted to take!
  4. Make new friends (but keep the old ones): Make an effort to connect with new people in your classes. Ask that one friend for coffee who you never saw too much of last semester. Hey, you could even find a first-year and tell them everything they need to know about college (you don’t need more people making the same mistakes you did)!
  5. Call your mom: Don’t forget about your family back home!! They just spent the summer with you around and now you’re back at school and they probably miss you more than you think. Avoid the homesickness by calling once a week or so to keep them updated! It’s always nice to hear a familiar voice in the midst of all the chaos!

There you have it! Now, remember, no one said it was easy, so just take a deep breath, remember why you’re here and kick this semester’s butt!!

Hi, my name is Bridget! I'm a Peace and Conflict Studies major with Philosophy and Asian Studies minors. I love writing about my friends, personal growth, social justice, and of course, all things Bachelor/Bachelorette!