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Summer Survival Kit 2016

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

Cruel Joke—I know! But HC Nationals is always looking out for us collegiettes. They are pampering us through the end of midterms to help us power through while our at-home-besties raise hell through our hometown!

The Monthly Gift set us up with tampons and pads for every stage of our cycle whether you’re on vacation in Malibu or having a staycation in the burbs. If you are heading to a beach (jeal!), Pure Silk hooked us up with a  ton of shaving cream so you can ditch the razor burn. On a budget, use Spots!


Camelbak sent us a few water bottles to keep us hydrated from our internships, to road trips, to the gym! Camelbak and Azo are always looking out for our health and fitness. Also, Brappz is always there to keep us all held together, shoes tied, hair out of our face—anything! Don’t want to lose anything? Vera Bradley sent us some key fobs, an ID holder, and a wallet to match their towel—for sunbathing in between it all.

Whether you’re on the go or taking a breather after the craziness of the past year, Her Campus Nationals is always looking out for their Blue Demons!

Michelle is a third year Secondary Education English student at DePaul University that enjoys sarcasm, laughing at cats on the internet, and forgetting to wear her glasses to class.