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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

How does one explain “Women Empowerment” and what does it look like? We live in a time where most people don’t like labels, yet new labels are created everyday. People are afraid of giving out personal information to strangers, yet they post photos, statuses and their routines on social media. We live in a very contradicting time because most people feel that they are entitled to the best of both worlds, and that they are allowed to be nit picky and choose every detail of their life and demand that everyone accepts it.

With that, we have people that see change or amendation as bad. These people are content with the status quo because their lives don’t need the change or the effort isn’t worth it. Evidently, in every generation there are people who want change and those who don’t. So, couldn’t you say that the generation who wanted change becomes the ones that don’t? They got what they were fighting for and now they want to rest in the victory?

Perhaps. However, there are movements that carry onto the next generation. Movements that one generation starts, then the next takes over demanding more. Evidently, there is a list of demands that have a common theme. For example, the Civil Rights, Women’s, and LGBT+ movements still exist today and they have been around for decades, even centuries. These movements exist because they bring empowerment to the people who feel powerless. They will exist until those groups feel empowered.

Today, women are fighting for women. Some even fight for equality for everyone. Empowerment is the key to making a difference. How can a women feel empowered? Many women feel that power will be given to them if they protest, march or demand it. Unfortunately, that doesn’t grant power. To feel empowered, you need to really respect yourself and know your worth. You need to get up everyday knowing who you are, what are your limits and where you need to grow. Many feel that when women are empowered they become manipulating, controlling and ruthless. That is false. Any human that respects themselves will treat others with respect and won’t let anyone take advantage of that. A woman is human, after all. Don’t forget that. Women and men are not flawless, despite of what they might believe.

Do not allow excuses to be the reasons why you or any women can’t accomplish the set goals. Excuses only prohibit growth. Women empowerment is feeling that you have every right to try and excel at anything despite of your gender. It is okay to be a lousy cook but know how to fix car. It is okay to think tea parties are boring, but love the climb trees while playing tag. It’s okay to want to be a mechanical engineer instead of going into the fashion industry.

Only when individuals feel empowered and women start respecting themselves, then can change really take place. Interests don’t choose the dominant gender. You are the one that decides what you like and dislike. Stereotypes does not mean the majority. They are simply labels. If you aren’t happy with your label, only you can peel it off.


A senior at DePaul University studying Software Engineering.