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“I’d Like a Junior Fake Hair Wrapped in Misogyny, Please”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

Editor’s Note: This is an opinion article. Opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect those of Her Campus or Her Campus DePaul. We welcome agreeing and opposing views. If you wish to write a response article or any sort of opinion article (politics or otherwise), please email depaul@hercampus.com

Historically, American women have had to overcome an overwhelming amount of bullshit in order to obtain amazingly beneficial human rights such as the right to vote regardless of sex and race, the right to marry whomever their heart desires regardless of race, gender, and sexual orientation, the right to obtain an abortion regardless of the predicament of how the fetus came to be, meaning that she has full body autonomy no matter what, the right to attend any higher educational institution, including Ivy League, regardless of gender, race, and sexual orientation and instead based solely upon her creativity, ingenuity, and pure talent in academia, along with dozens of other fantastic perks. Validation for women that they are not subhuman fiends and are in fact human beings with hopes, dreams, ideas, and abilities to do something constructive with their lives and the lives of others (other than making roast beef before Mr. Husband yells “Honey, I’m home!”) has always been, and continues to be, central to our identity.

Most unfortunately, women continue to be tormented by a fantastically flawed take of their sexuality that idolizes male dominance and aggression, along with ignorance regarding their desire and ability to support themselves and their families, all thanks to nonsensical patriarchal politicians. Many wish to turn back time and sail to yesteryear when none of these newfangled gender equality rules existed, and are quite persistent in their misogynistic desires. Eric Trump, son of Republican nominee Donald Trump, has recently displayed an innate ability to hurry to his father’s defense. In light of outrage over his ideas that coincide with stripping women of authority and autonomy all because men like him would much rather see them strip their clothes and hop into bed, little Trump has proven to be quick to defend.

Trump senior has commented on multiple occasions his feelings towards interactions between women and men in which primarily circumnavigate around the idea that if you put a man next to a woman, he has no choice but to try to have sex with her. And even if she resists, he has every right to persist, because her audacity to work in the same professional field with him, enter the same room, be aesthetically pleasing, or just plain enjoy breathing oxygen leaves him no choice. This time, however, he has taken it a step further. Donald described grabbing women by their genitals in order to manipulate their actions as a totally okay thing to do, and that discussion of these tactics are very appropriate small talk, especially when surrounded by fellow men. Mini Trump decided he felt the exact same way, commenting “I think it’s locker room banter. I think sometimes when guys are together they get carried away, and sometimes that’s what happens when alpha personalities are in the same presence. At the same time, I’m not saying it’s right. It’s not the person that he is.” Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of the nominee, has accepted his father’s reasoning as well; in a recently resurfaced interview, he concluded that women who do not like the inevitable sexual harassment that occurs as a direct result of women sneaking into male-dominated fields, they should quit. If they cannot handle the repercussions of daring to work in a traditionally male workforce, they should go back to the jobs that are meant for them. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-jr-women-harrassment-workforce_us_5800b9bbe4b0162c043b532e?  

I think their logic is repugnant, and the fact that anyone could consider their thoughts valid and rational, revolting. This type of behavior is what rape culture, the acceptance of letting men slide without adequate punishment for horrid acts of violence and aggression against women because supposedly women deserve to be treated this way, is built upon. Men and boys chattering about the tactics they use to hurt women are in no means professional, alpha, strong, or anything remotely synonymous. They are pathetic, insecure fools who feed on others’ successes and confidence to fuel their lack of self-assurance.       


Marta Leshyk

DePaul '20

Aspiring high school English teacher who hopes to help students learn to love and value themselves the way an old friend once helped her. Loves cats immensely, and enjoys iced coffee in the dead of winter. Is the proud daughter of immigrants, and learned English from Elmo, the ultimate PBS scholar.