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Advice I’d Give to Pre-Move-In Day Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

I’m a freshman. And what’s worse, I’m that stereotypical freshman. The one talking to every table at the involvement fair. The one who wears too much DePaul gear with too much pride. The one who joins “too much”, who actually annotates class readings (or used to anyways), who rides the L just because I know how, who has mastered answers for who I am, where I’m from and what my major is, the list goes on. Sometimes I look at myself and hope that I’m not turning into Elle Woods!

But here’s the thing. Like anyone else who has ever been a freshman, I didn’t think I would reach this point of comfort and security in a new place with so many new people. When I graduated from high school just a few months ago, college loomed in the distance as a destination, not an experience, just somewhere I was going to end up at. And I spent most of the summer nervous and even a bit scared.

But it’s already October, and I’m still here! I’ve really enjoyed my first month here at DePaul, and I know that I’ve learned so much about myself and life just in the month that I’ve been here. Because I’m obsessed with lists, I’ve put down 10 things that I’ve learned that I’ve learned in the month I’ve been here.

1. Saying goodbye to the family might be a bit rough

But hey! There’s a reason Skype and FaceTime exist! It’s sad, and it’s okay to tell your parents you’ll miss them.

2. Trying something new really is worth it!

Whether it’s gelato, or something a bit riskier (I’m looking at you, deep dish pizza) it’s so worth trying something new, food or otherwise!

3. It’s okay if you and your roommate aren’t best friends

You might have your squad, and they might have theirs. There’s nothing wrong with that!

4. Sometimes, no matter how much work you put in, it won’t go your way

Not everything is going to go your way. Not everyone is going to like you. That’s how it’s supposed to be.

5. There are always consequences to every choice you make

Just something I have to remind myself often.

6. Sometimes, you’ll just mess up.

College is supposed to be the transition from dependence to adulting, messing up and making mistakes is basically part of the plan, as long as you learn from your mistakes.

7. You don’t have to be best friends with everyone you meet

Making new friends was probably the most intimidating thing about coming to college. I sort of forgot how the whole process works! So every person I saw, I’d try to chat with.

8. You might not find (or want!) a relationship right away

Creating your own priorities will really help you figure out what you want. But hey, maybe you’ll want or already have a relationship right away, that’s great too!

9. You have a voice!

Living life in the freshman phase can be a bit intimidating but it’s super important to remember that you still have a voice!

10. This is YOUR college experience!

You can make it whatever you want it to be!

I'm Jess! I'm a marketing and psychology major at DePaul University who loves meeting new people, eating pizza (deep dish, of course!), making lists, and snapping pictures of my new home: Chicago!