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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

As I begin to reflect on my freshman year, I am flooded with an intense variety of emotions. This year I felt the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. I had days where I could not imagine a place that I could be happier, and I had days that I was in the transfer portals of other schools. 

Through all of these feelings, I was constantly fighting with my emotions and trying to get myself to think in a different way. One way I would do this is by repeating mantras to myself. By doing this, I was able to alter my feelings a little bit. It’s almost like gaslighting, and if I tell myself something enough times I start to really believe it.

Here are the mantras that got my through my first year of college:

I don’t chase, i attract

“I don’t chase, I attract, what belongs to me will simply find me.” This one was the mantra of the year. My friends and I absolutely drilled this into our heads. I have a sticky note with this quote taped about my door so that every single time I leave my room I have to look at it. Quite honestly, it started as a mantra aimed towards finding a boy. But now I think it can apply to anything and everything. Everything that is meant to find me will find me, and I do not have to chase anything because it will reach me eventually.

I am so lucky

“I am so lucky because everything always works out for me for the good of all and the harm of none.” If you’re on lucky girl syndrome tik tok, I’m sure you know this one. I used this mantra a lot during the winter when it seemed like every single thing that could possibly go wrong did go wrong. It reminded me that I really am so lucky. When I would repeat this mantra to myself, I would also try to list every single thing that I am grateful for. This practice is so powerful, and when I wake up in the morning and list all of the things that I am grateful for, I set a good tone for the rest of the day.

I will ace this test

This one is self explanatory, and sometimes I know I most definitely did not study enough for a test but repeating this to myself becomes a last resort. I am not totally sure if it is successful …. Maybe the lesson here is that I should just study for my tests. 

I am the strongest girl in the world

“I am the [strongest, most beautiful, most courageous, smartest] girl in the world”. I love this mantra. It has endless variations, and it’s basically a way for me to hype myself up when I am not feeling my best. This is one that I think is very powerful to say in the mirror, and I try to urge my friends to say it sometimes too. If you practice any of these mantras, I think that this is the one you should choose. I also use this one on the kids I work with, because I think every girl should know that she is the strongest, most caring, and kindest girl in the world!

Cameron Smith-Girls Friends Hair Food Abroad Spain Scarf Mirror Restaurant
Cameron Smith / Her Campus

Today is a good day

Much like the I am so lucky mantra, I try to say this one in the morning so I can start the day on a strong note. Even if I know that I have a really tough day ahead, if I start the day truly believing that it will be a good day maybe I can turn it around.

it is what it is till it ain’t

I decided to include this one as a shoutout to one of my favorite singers, Mac Miller. I didn’t say this mantra as much my freshman year, but it definitely played a big role in high school. Honestly, I know that “it is what it is” is a really popular saying, but I also think that it’s so underrated at the same time. As of right now, it truly is what it is. All we have is the now, and there is very little we can do to change that. So it is what it is till it ain’t! 

Reilly Burton

Denison '26

Reilly is a sophomore at Denison University studying communication and international studies. She is the social media/outreach coordinator for Her Campus Denison and is involved with various other organizations on campus. She loves to be creative, ski, read, and hang out with the people she loves.