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Spring Break for the Vacation-less

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

Spring break is in less than a month and campus is buzzing with excitement. Whenever I walk from building to building on A Quad, I hear people enthusiastically discussing their plans- how hard it was to book a flight, where their groups of friends are going this year and how they still need to lose 10 pounds before they will even consider putting on that string bikini. The resort will be awesome, the company will be great and, of course, they will come back with a fantastic tan (unless they are like me and have a tendency to burn rather than tan).

I, however, am not joining in the fun because I am a vacation-less spring break-er. My break will be back home in Ann Arbor spending quality time with my family because all of my friends from high school have different spring breaks. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my family. But I would take a trip to Cabo over Ann Arbor in a heartbeat.
So, to get me out of my seasonal spring break depression, I have come up with a fabulous plan (because, as you will soon learn, all of my plans are not only fabulous but also flawless). And if you follow these steps exactly… You can trick both your friends and yourself into thinking you actually did go on a vacation for spring break this year. 
WARNING: You need a vivid imagination in order to complete the following steps.
Step #1, Spray-Tan. 
Get on your computer and Google local tanning facilities in your hometown. If the option is available, get a spray-tan.  This is a quick, easy, and safe way to add some color to your skin!  
Step #2, Locate Swim Suit. 
 Look through your closet… Pull out your most outrageous bikini, those big sunglasses, your cover-up and any other things you would take with you on a tropical vacation. This is what you will be wearing when you go tanning. Throughout the week, casually go tanning, apply self-tanning lotion or get a spray tan… Whichever one works best for you! This is crucial to get that “#ijustwentonspringbreakandyoudidnt” tan.
Step #3, Set the Ambiance.  
At home, clear out everything from the middle of your bedroom. Lay down a large beach towel or blanket, set up a lounge chair and prop up an umbrella (the superstition that opening an umbrella indoors does not apply to situations like this). Now you have your own private get-a-way in your bedroom. 

Step #5, Relax. 

Pamper yourself like you actually went on vacation. Relax in your lounge chair, turn on ocean noises, put up pictures of dolphins and palm trees… whatever you need to do to create that “vacation-like” environment. Go ahead, make yourself that tropical drink you’ve always wanted to buy at one of those in-pool bars- the ones you can just swim up to and order a drink from that oh-so-attractive man with whom you shamelessly flirt (even though you do “technically” have a boyfriend). 
You will come back to campus tan and relaxed… Yeah, maybe you didn’t actually go anywhere. No one else will know that… Only you will know where you REALLY went on vacation this year.
Sally Maxwell is a senior at Denison University and will be graduating in the Spring of 2012. She is a Communications major and Spanish minor and very involved on campus. She is the Vice President of Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honor Society) and the Alumnae Chair for her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta. She plans to pursue a career in Public Relations or marketing and advertising, hopefully in a big city somewhere. Being born and raised in Ohio, she is ready for the big city life after college! She loves her yellow labrador, Beau, and spending time with friends. She strongly believes that everything happens for a reason and she is ready for whatever life has to offer her!