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So You’re Single and It’s Valentine’s Day…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.


        In my honest opinion February is the worst month out of the whole calendar year. After the excitement of Christmas and the fun of New Years, everything seems pretty dismal until March comes around. However there is that one dreadful holiday that can absolutely make or break February for you. And that holiday is Valentine’s Day. Is it just me or is this the most contrived holiday of them all? I really think the candy companies and Hallmark just created a new holiday to keep their revenue from going into the red before Easter gets here. Anyways I digress. I’m actually here to give you lovely single readers of Her Campus some ideas as to what you can do this Valentine’s Day. I’ve had some help from my great Twitter followers, best friends, and the countless hours of online research that have compiled a short list of activities to keep your mind off of this day of overly hyped celebrations of affection.

Cook your favorite meal and watch your favorite movie

Let’s be real here. Most people on Valentine’s Day aren’t getting to do something they really love. At least one person in every couple usually has to compromise on their wants or needs to make the day “super special”. Just think, you don’t have to do any of that! Want pizza for dinner? Go for it! Hankering for some filet mignon? I say why not? Eat to your hearts content and it’ll totally be worth it. Now that you’re absolutely full from your marvelous dinner you’re obviously going to need time to relax. I think it’s time to watch your favorite movie. Now if you were in dating someone they might be opposed to watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s for the tenth time in two months. But hey this is all about you! So pop that sucker in, lie on your couch and watch Audrey Hepburn be nothing but absolutely fabulous for the tenth time. This day is no longer about making anyone else happy but you.

1. Plan a Broken/Lonely Hearts Club party

Say you’re a little too bitter to just stay at home treating yourself to a fantastic evening of you. Well that’s just fine! Sometimes there is safety in numbers, so why not plan a party for you and all of your single friends? Have you ever seen that horrible mess, yet utterly fantastic film called Valentine’s Day? Well one of the characters named Kara plans this “I Hate Valentine’s Day Party” where her and many other Valentine’s singles celebrate not being tied down and the evilness of their ex’s. So get some of your good single friends and just celebrate being unaccompanied together. Not to mention getting to beat up a big heart shaped “I Hate Valentine’s Day” piñata actually seems highly therapeutic.

2. Go to a bar

Now I know most people would think of this as the last place to be on Valentine’s Day but I assure you it’s actually a really good time. I’ll just say that on this day almost every person in that bar will be single. So if you’re looking for some “love” just for the night you’re bound to find someone at your local bar. Not to mention whatever bar you go to might be throwing their own Broken/Lonely Hearts Club party themselves.

3. Grab some good chocolate and a good bottle of wine and treat yo’ self

Well if none of those other options seem fun or even appeal to you I always suggest a night in with some great chocolate and a good bottle of wine (or two), and treat yo’ self. Let’s face it you probably have some extra money lying around since you didn’t have to spend it on a significant other, so you should go ahead and spend it on yourself. Celebrate that fact that you made it through the holidays and that spring will be here before you know it. Then get a good nights sleep, wake up the next day refreshed and with another Valentine’s Day in your past.

So I hope you find some of these activities worthy of your time this Valentine’s Day. If you have even better ideas for a singles Valentine’s Day make sure to tweet them to us @HCDenison and we’ll retweet our favorite ones!




Kaitlin is a sophomore at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. She is currently studying Economics with a minor in Communication. When Kaitlin isn't studying, you can find her attending events for her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, writing articles, playing tennis, or watching Bravo obsessively.  As a Bravo fangirl, she would love to meet Andy Cohen.