15 dorm tours
1 amazing new roommate
2834 campus deer
3 film shoots
1 stressed film major
1836 village coffee bagels
1 Costco visit
3 times changing string light batteries
7 fallen posters
640 visits to the laundry machines and them being full
8 trips to the Bandersnatch
3 new backpack buttons
5 trips to Harvest Pizza
1 Rocky Horror
12 Common Grounds Orders
2 campus job interviews
10 new friends
45 emails sent
30 visits to The Nest
9 Target Trips
15 Slivvy’s Pretzel Bites
1290320 study sesh’s in the library atrium
920 times I opened my laptop and didn’t do work
20 visits to the frats
60 interesting dinner conversations
1 new job
3 new clubs
1 lost key card
1 replacement key card
3 late assignments
14 Propel/Iced Tea purchases
4 trips to the wellness center
1 lingering cough
1294 new stickers on my laptop
11 new playlists
2343 collected Bullsheets
2 concerts in columbus
5 trips to columbus
4 airport shuttles to columbus
102903214 packages (sorry mailroom)
32 visits to mo-hutch
10 microwaved mac and cheese
30 facetimes from home
1 lovely Denison HerCampus