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Lars Soderberg ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

Name: Lars Soderberg

Graduating Year: 2016

Major: Econ/Spanish

Hometown: Denver, CO

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Relationship Status: Single


How are you involved on campus?: Football and pledging Sigma Chi

Favorite class?: Spanish

Least Favorite?: History


What do you do during your free time? Play NHL and hang with my boys.

Favorite thing about Denison: The girls!


What do you look for in a girl?: Someone who is nice, smart and fun

Deal-Breakers?: Bad table manners

Celebrity Crush?: Jennifer Lawrence

Dream Date?: Beyonce after the Super Bowl

What are you doing for Valentines Day?: Going to Disneyland

Best V-day gift you’ve ever gotten?: A life sized teddy bear

Given?: Kenny Chesney concert tickets

Who would you pick to be your valentine this year?:

Carrie Underwood

Favorite song?:

Mr. Blue Sky – Elo

Embarrassing confession?:

I just ordered 5 pounds of candy online. I swear.

Dream job?:


Dream vacation?:


Biggest pet peeve?:

Nails on a chalk board

Guilty pleasure?:

Jersey Shore is my show

Three fun facts about you:

            1. I play the guitar

            2. I love candy.

            3. I think Colorado is the best state ever.

Favorite quote: “There are good ships, and there are wood ships, The ships that sail the sea. But the best ships, are friendships, And may they always be.”

I'm a sophomore at Denison University from Boca Raton, Florida. I'm a psychology major and when I'm not studying, you can find me walking around campus trying to figure out what to do with this freezing Ohio weather, playing tennis with friends, or just looking for someone fun to talk to!