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How College Has Been the Best and Worst Thing All at the Same Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

College has been the best and worst thing to happen to me. I have experienced some of the highest moments in my life, but I’ve also experienced some of the lowest. Looking back over my freshman year, I have absolutely no advice for my pre-college self. There is just no way I could have prepared myself for this last year. 

One of the most exciting things I got from coming to college was my first kiss. And then my first complicated situationship thingy (still not really sure what that was). And then my first heartbreak. I also met some of my best friends of all time and really learned the importance of female friendships. I have also been able to understand myself so much better. 

Within the first month of the school year, I experienced a strange sensation that I still have trouble explaining. It was as if someone had suddenly turned the volume up and everything became more intense and loud. Or like I began to see everything in brighter colors. This is not to say that I did not enjoy my life before, I very much did, but college brought a new intensity to life.This could be from the independence I gained, amazing experiences with friends, or the excessive drinking, but it is still something I feel every day. 

College has also forced me to become a much stronger person. I think it’s the independence that it brought that made me rely on myself more than ever. I have had to learn how to cope when faced with some of the hardest situations of my life and how to pick myself up when I’m down. 

I have also had more fun than I have ever had before. College has been every cliche that has ever been said. Yes, I’ve had the best times of my life, I have met some of the best people in my life, and had some of the best experiences in my 19 years. I have also been extremely homesick, heartbroken, anxious, depressed, but it has all pushed me to a much higher understanding of myself and the world. 

There were many times in middle and high school where I wasn’t sure if I could do it. I didn’t think I could handle the future, much less college. But here I am. I did it. And it was horrible and beautiful all at the same time. I regret so much, but at the same time nothing at all. 

Meg McGahan

Denison '26

Meg McGahan is a freshman at Denison University, and is from Atlanta, Georgia. She is currently studying Biology, Anthropology, and Studio Art. In her free time she loves to draw, paint, read and bake. She also loves listening to music and hanging out with friends and has a dog named Clifford!