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Hoppin’ Holiday spots in Columbus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.


The weather is colder, all the leaves have finally fallen off the tree and now we’re breaking out our puffy coats and knit hats. Wintertime is just around the corner and the holiday season is in full swing! I know that things are absolutely crazy here on the hill. But if you’re looking for a good study break or a reason to get away from Denison for a while, here and some great options.

Easton Town Center

I know a lot of people are probably thinking “Gabe we go to Easton all the time”. Believe me I go all the time to but there’s something magical about Easton at Christmas time. There are Christmas trees everywhere, holiday music is on blast, Santa is available for pictures and there’s just something about the atmosphere there. So if you’re crazy about the holidays and love a good shopping trip Easton is the place for you

Wildlights at The Columbus Zoo & Aquarium

This is my favorite thing to do around the holiday season. If you’re looking to see millions of twinkling lights, tons of animals and maybe grab a mug of hot coco Wildlights is definitely something you should check out. Located in near Powell, OH this holiday themed event is put on every year by the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium. This is something you won’t want to miss especially since it only comes once a year!

Winter Wonderland at Creekside Park

If you’re looking for something a little closer to home (aka Denidoo) then head on over to Creekside in nearby Gahannah. Surrounded by cute little shops and restaurants right along the creek. See this nice area of town come alive with the holiday spirit. Grab a couple buddies and check out the lights in the park or go out for a nice dinner with your significant other. I’m sure ya’ll will love this little slice of paradise right in our own backyard.

Timbuk Farms

Actually located in Granville it’s the perfect place to find a tree. I know my room is getting a smaller tree for our apartment and we can’t wait to decorate it. So grad some coffee from River Road and pick out a tree with your friends so your room will be the best decorated room on campus!

Kaitlin is a sophomore at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. She is currently studying Economics with a minor in Communication. When Kaitlin isn't studying, you can find her attending events for her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, writing articles, playing tennis, or watching Bravo obsessively.  As a Bravo fangirl, she would love to meet Andy Cohen.