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Grace Patrick ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

Name: Grace Patrick
Graduating Year: 2015
Major: Environmental Studies
Hometown: Milford, CT
Relationship Status: Off the Market, Taken (sorry boys)

What’s your life motto?
Live every week like its shark week.
If you had to wear one outfit for the rest of your life (like many cartoon characters) what would it be?
Sweater, leggings and boots, all from Goodwill.
What’s your stance on reality TV? Waste of time or undervalued treasure?
Reality Tv is probably the biggest undervalued treasure because if it weren’t for the Kardashians how would we feel normal?
If you had a year to do anything, what would you do?
I would love to backpack around South America taking pictures.
What’s your favorite campfire song or ghost story from your childhood?
Anything with guitar, especially Dave Mathews.
How old were you when you had your first kiss?
13, almost fell off my bike after.
What song instantly makes you feel happy?
Ocean by John Butler Trio.
What’s you favorite holiday? And what makes it special?
My favorite holiday is probably Christmas because everyone is excited and its less stressful than my birthday.
You went to the 2012 Summer Olympics, did you spend all your time with the US swim team? If not, where was the hot spot to be?
The summer Olympic hot spot was definitley the beach volley ball. It was an amazing venue that was right in the middle of London.

Kaitlin is a sophomore at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. She is currently studying Economics with a minor in Communication. When Kaitlin isn't studying, you can find her attending events for her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, writing articles, playing tennis, or watching Bravo obsessively.  As a Bravo fangirl, she would love to meet Andy Cohen.