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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

Fall in Love with Fall



The air is cooler and leaves are changing colors which means Autumn is here! The weather is no longer warm enough to go swimming but don’t let the end of summer stop you from having fun! Here are a few fun, inexpensive activities you can do with friends and family!


1.    Apple Picking


2.    Pumpkin Patch



3.    Leaf Jumping


4.    Host a Party


5.    Bake fall desserts


6.    Go on a walk



7.    Decorate or Carve a pumpkin


8.    Have a picnic


9.    Go to a haunted house




Niyah is from Kansas City, Missouri and majors in Communication, minors in Women's studies. She plans to pursue a career in the Communication Media and Journalism field. Niyah is on the Women's Varsity basketball team at Denison and is also a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She is passionate about fashion and fitness and her hobbies include working out, writing for HerCampus, volunteering and reading good books!
Sophomore.  Equestrian.  Lover of HGTV, movies, and naps.