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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.


Dorm Cooking 101

Are you getting sick of dining hall food and take out?  Do your refrigerator contents consist of yogurt, mixers and beer?  It’s time to empower yourself and learn how to do some dorm style cooking.  No, I don’t mean boxed mac n’ cheese…Here are some quick tips for spicing up your meal options!

Get to know the facilities:

Every dorm on campus includes a kitchen with adequate appliances to prepare a meal.  Though some better than others, take advantage of these resources!  All you really need to get started is a pot or pan and a can-do attitude.  Almost everyone on campus has a personal fridge in their room to store food, and if not each kitchen provides a communal fridge.  Just be careful and label your food with the date and your name.

Start Simple:

You don’t need to prepare a gourmet meal on your first try, start with something easy!  It could be as little as making real pasta with sauce.  Boxed foods typically provide cooking instructions and can also include recipe options.  Make sure you follow the directions, but as you feel more confident give the recipes a try.  The internet is also chalk-full of great recipes.  If you’re in the mood for something specific, try googling “easy recipes for…” and see where it takes you!

Spend Wisely:

One of the hardest parts of cooking your own food is buying the ingredients.  It seems cheaper to just buy processed and prepared foods, but incorporating cost management into your grocery shopping will help you prepare a more balanced and nutritious meal.  Make a grocery list and stick to it.  It’s not worth it to spend money on food just because it’s cheaper.  Only buy the things that you actually know you will use within a week or two.  If you found an online recipe that you want to try, find the best bargains for those ingredients or look up alternative ingredients that might be a less expensive substitute.

Good Luck and Happy Cooking!

I'm a double major in Chemistry and Environmental Studies at Denison University. I'm currently the Philanthropy Assistant for the Delta Chi chapter of Delta Delta Delta, work in the ENVS department and volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Kaitlin is a sophomore at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. She is currently studying Economics with a minor in Communication. When Kaitlin isn't studying, you can find her attending events for her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, writing articles, playing tennis, or watching Bravo obsessively.  As a Bravo fangirl, she would love to meet Andy Cohen.