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Campus MVP: Stetson Thacker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

A junior? They still exist on campus? Yes, and I found one that has not only stayed on campus, but is helping to run it. Stetson Thacker, a native from Cleveland, Ohio, is pursuing a Biology and English double major with a Chemistry minor. With an obvious passion for the science part of his liberal arts education, Stetson spent the summer researching the androgen receptor’s role in thyroid cancer. Back on the hill, one of his favorite classes has been Organic Chemistry with Dr. Fred Porcheddu. He recommends trying to develop a good relationship with professors as advice to his two younger brothers and all underclassman. In addition to a hectic academic schedule, Stetson is an RA. He enjoys helping his residents yet finds the hardest part telling friends to keep in line.

Stetson is also the finance chair of the DCGA, apart of the Academic Affairs Council, on the Committee for Residential Life, a tour guide, Vice President of Habitat for Humanity and a volunteer at the Grant Medical Center. This renaissance man, true to form loves Denison because it allows students to “not be defined by only one thing.”

Don’t worry our celebrity is not all work and no play. As member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, he knows how to have fun. Some of his favorite memories are with his brothers especially during pledging, which was when he built some of his greatest friendships.

But to really know someone like a celebrity, what’s on a resume just won’t do it – you need to know their quirks, likes, dislikes, and secret crushes. And we have all that for you! Stetson’s favorite movie is Good Will Hunting. He prefers hummus over guacamole, Pringles to Ruffles, and chocolate chips cookies over sugar cookies. Also any time he goes into town you count on him to order Brew’s Blue Chips. Before Denison, Stetson played football, soccer, basketball, and baseball (he was even recruited for the baseball team here, yet decided not to play). In the fashion world, he would describe his personal style as mountain man or lumberjack. Amazingly, Stetson is unfazed by the Apple craze and would chose a PC over a Mac any day. A star to the star of Denison is Adriana Lima, a Victoria’s Secret Model. If he had to chose his spirit animal it would be a lion. For this libra, his favorite holiday is Halloween because it really gets everyone in the fall spirit. On the musical end, Stetson’s tastes have evolved from his childhood favorite of Hanson to his current fondness for Mumford and Sons.
n the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson that guide our campus celebrity,“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to change you is the greatest accomplishment.” We hope this mantra will now guide you, too!