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Campus Celebrity: Tina King

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.


This week’s campus celebrity is the fabulous Tina King. She is from Madison, Wisconsin, where enjoys eating local cheese. Tina is a sophomore at Denison, and lives in Crawford 221 if you ever want to pay her a visit. Some of the reasons Tina chose Denison University was because of the tight knit community and all of the students who were nice and made her feel happy. Tina enjoys watching soccer with friends, loves to swim, and runs for fun! Although Tina’s wardrobe consists of many colors, her favorite color is olive green. She loves the band Beyond and she is obsessed with the song f*ckin problems.

Since joining the Denison community, Tina participates in Kappa Alpha Theta, tour guiding, S.H.A.R.E., and she is the president of the democrats. This past August Tina was an August Orientation leader, giving the freshman class a warm welcome. Throughout the past couple of years Tina has done a lot of traveling. Her favorite trip she has ever taken was to Ghana. Furthermore she spent her junior year of high school in Panama, where she did an exchange program. She loved scuba diving in Belize. Some of her many hobbies are dance parties in Crawford 221, eating breakfast, and crafting.

Fun Facts:

Favorite Candy: Twix

Special Talents: Doing hair

Signature Dance Move: The Tina….you might see her break it out at parties

One place you want to travel to: India…it is a need and because of the yoga, colors, and Buddhism

Kaitlin is a sophomore at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. She is currently studying Economics with a minor in Communication. When Kaitlin isn't studying, you can find her attending events for her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, writing articles, playing tennis, or watching Bravo obsessively.  As a Bravo fangirl, she would love to meet Andy Cohen.