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Campus Celebrity: Rob Tate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

This week’s campus celebrity is Rob Tate. You might have seen him blowing up your Twitter feed this past summer with all the updates he posts about the album he created. Rob is a sophomore and spends most of his free time creating new rap music and creative and bumpin rhymes. In high school Rob felt a little out of place like most people do. So in chemistry class he would think of rhymes and creates songs as a way to express what he was feeling and the experiences he had. He grew up in Dayton, Ohio. The city life made it a struggle at times to fully understand the preppy lifestyles of the kids who also went to the prep school he attended. Rob decided to come to Denison his junior year of high school. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to come to the school but once he visited the campus he feel in love with the school. Since then he has enjoyed his time here and loves the school. Even though he loves to be here he is a shy guy and doesn’t want to interact with people much on campus so he tries to spend most of his time alone, at the gym, or in the library studying. He is studying political science and philosophy so that he can become a big lawyer and focus on criminal defense and civil rights. His favorite meal is breakfast so you might often see him eating waffles or other breakfast foods throughout the day. Rob is creating new material for his next piece of work and is trying to incorporate some foreign material into it. The incorporation of Arabic into this album is going to allow him to really experiment in his method of creativity and how he wants to create his art. Don’t miss out on his incredible work and search for his music at http://sarob.bandcamp.com/track/splend-d. Listen to it and experience the world through Rob’s thoughts and how he experiences the world around him.


Kaitlin is a sophomore at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. She is currently studying Economics with a minor in Communication. When Kaitlin isn't studying, you can find her attending events for her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, writing articles, playing tennis, or watching Bravo obsessively.  As a Bravo fangirl, she would love to meet Andy Cohen.