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5 Weird Christmas Traditions From Around The World

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

Every household has their special Christmas traditions. But what about the weird traditions from all around the world?

1. Christmas is a very popular holiday in Japan even though only 1% of the population is Christian. Because whole chickens or turkeys are hard to find in Japan, there has become a tradition of going to KFC on Christmas.

2. In Norway, it is believed that witches and other evils come on Christmas Eve. Not sure where that came from, but because of it, they hide their brooms before going to sleep.

3. A nice tale from Ukrainian folklore has present day Ukrainians decorating their Christmas trees with fake spiders and webs. It came from the story of a women who did not have enough money to decorate her tree, but when she woke up on Christmas morning, a spider had covered it in a beautiful spider web.

4. A popular tradition in American households is the placement of a pickle ornament in the tree. Whoever finds it first gets an extra present. This supposedly originated from a German tradition, but no Germans take part in it! The roots to this tradition are still unknown.

5. Lastly, a tradition practiced in a few different European countries is Krampus. You may have heard of the movie of the same name. Krampus looks like a cross between a goat and the devil, and his purpose is to remind children to be good, otherwise he will eat them. Sounds fun!

A Junior at Denison who loves history, reading, and traveling a little too much