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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi North chapter.

At a dinner table, how frequently do you hear a vegetarian making jokes about non-vegetarians? I’m sure that in most cases the answer will not be affirmative. But upon flipping the coin, we come across a different story. At least eight out of ten times, I’ve heard a meat eater say things like “How is it possible to exist solely on vegetarian food?” that imply vegetarians are severely deprived. Although these statements are supposed to be taken as jokes, most of the time they turn out to be offensive, degrading and judgmental. 

As a result, I decided to make a list of things that vegetarians are sick of hearing. So, if you happen to run into a vegetarian in the near future, here’s a list of things to avoid saying to them:

“Plants, too, are living creatures!”

Plants, unlike animals, lack a central nervous system that sends pain signals to the brain.  If you’re still not convinced, plants rejuvenate, allowing you to pick the leaves and fruit without destroying the plant. Their leaves and fruits naturally fall off on their own all of the time.

“You have no idea what you’re missing!”

It turns out we do – and, surprise, surprise, it’s by choice! It doesn’t mean we’re losing out on something. 

“Can you tell me where you acquire your protein from?”

Milk, eggs, beans, lentils, bread, cheese, yoghurt, tofu, protein shakes, veggie burgers, tempeh, and a lot of food choices are all good sources of calcium. It’s also true that they’re all high in protein.

“Have you ever eaten meat by accident?”

Yes, we’ve done it before, and no, we’re not taking “just a nibble” from your plate. It’s not always a rule to eat non-veg by accident.

“Do you mind if I eat this while you’re watching?”

While it’s occasionally okay and even respectful to ask, it’s always good to know your audience! To be clear, most vegetarians will attest that seeing someone eat a chicken burger in front of them has never caused them to vomit. You’re okay as long as you don’t make any funny noises while eating or put it on our plates.

“Even if you don’t eat animals, they will be killed. It isn’t going to make any difference.”

Consider what would happen if millions of people believed it. In theory, if a large number of people refrain from eating meat, demand will fall and fewer animals will be slaughtered. Well, there’s hope, and at the very least, we’re attempting it!

“What do you eat? Salads, huh?”

Assuming that a vegetarian just eats salads not only makes us want to give you a book, but it also makes us think you’re a conceited person with a skewed sense of humour. 

If someone tells you they’re a vegetarian the next time you meet them, just nod and smile. They’ll tell you if they want you to know about their decision. Anyone is far more inclined to be honest with you if you ask questions from a pleasant, genuinely interested position and not with an intention to attack or judge their preferences. It is not everyone’s obligation to be a spokesperson for their way of life, and it is not everyone’s desire to be one either. If you really want to understand more about what vegetarianism is all about, you can do your own research and then ask your willing vegetarian friends for clarification or more information!

Kritika Tomar

Delhi North '23

Kritika is a student of Hansraj College, University of Delhi. She's a sucker for pizzas and rom-coms. She loves cotton candy skies, acoustic music and cats.