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The Lalareading A Book
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How Sally Rooney’s Writings Effected My Idea Of Romance ?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi North chapter.

What does romance mean to you? This has been a timeless theme since the inception of literature, with every decade having its dynamics. From Jane Austen’s slow-burning romances to Sally Rooney’s modern exploration of relationships, this genre has witnessed profound changes.

Sally Rooney, an Irish author in 2017 with her controversial work, Conversations with Friends. I happen to read it with a million other Gen Z and at a time when uncertainty and loneliness are some of the biggest issues facing our generation. Being a fan of Sally Rooney has its perks; you do not get to live like normal people and cannot have fulfilling conversations with your friends (pun intended). 

He writes these things down, long run-on sentences with too many dependent clauses, sometimes connected with breathless semicolons, as if he wants to recreate a precise copy of Marianne in print, as if he can preserve her completely for future review. Then he turns a new page in the notebook so he doesn’t have to look at what he’s done.

Sally Rooney, Normal People

Her books serve as a mirror to the modern world, addressing issues like shame, family abuse, patriarchy, the rich and poor divide, and most importantly, the issues of loneliness and uncertainty with life. But what sets her apart from the billion other books published on romance is the seamless integration of politics and romance. “Love is political,” a recurring theme in her works, highlights the intricacies of relationships, particularly within the context of a society laden with patriarchal norms. Rooney’s female characters, with their rebellious personalities, challenge societal expectations, making her narratives a powerful commentary on the political nature of love. 

Shifting the Narrative: Sally Rooney’s Revolution in Romance

Sally Rooney’s novels bring a breath of fresh air to the traditional portrayals of romance, steering away from grand gestures and focusing on the intricacies of everyday relationships. In her exploration of the complexities of modern love, Rooney places a spotlight on emotional intimacy, portraying awkward conversations, unspoken desires, and the messy realities of navigating intimacy. This departure from conventional narratives strikes a chord with readers seeking authenticity in a genre often criticized for being unrealistic and inauthentic.

Empowering Female Characters: Dreams Take Center Stage

Rooney’s female characters defy stereotypes by embodying complexity and unapologetically pursuing their desires. Challenging traditional notions of femininity, these characters actively shape their destinies, prioritizing their needs over societal expectations. This portrayal sparks conversations about female empowerment and autonomy within relationships, fostering a more nuanced understanding of women’s roles in romance.

Navigating the Gray Area: Love and Friendship Intersect

A hallmark of Rooney’s narratives is the exploration of relationships existing in the gray area between friendship and romance. Her writing explores the messy realities of love in today’s world, where relationships don’t always fit into traditional labels. This resonates with readers grappling with the blurred lines of love and friendship, offering a refreshing perspective on the fluid nature of human connections that goes beyond societal norms.

Embracing Imperfection: Normalizing Awkwardness and Vulnerability

Rooney’s characters are refreshingly flawed and relatable, facing anxieties and insecurities head-on. By portraying vulnerability with unapologetic honesty, her work normalizes the awkwardness inherent in romantic relationships. This authenticity has been widely praised for its relatability, allowing readers to see themselves reflected in the imperfect yet genuine struggles of Rooney’s characters.

Challenging Societal Constructs: A Critical Lens on Love

Rooney’s novels transcend personal narratives to critique societal expectations that shape our ideas about love and relationships. Addressing gender roles, economic disparities, and the challenges of connection in a complex world, she sparks essential conversations about the broader implications of romance. While critics may argue that her characters lack depth or are self-absorbed, there’s no denying the impact of Rooney’s work in challenging and reshaping societal norms.

Sally Rooney’s revolutionary approach to romance has indeed redefined the genre for this new generation. By weaving politics into the fabric of love, exploring female desire and career success, blurring the lines between love and friendship, normalizing vulnerability, and critiquing societal expectations, she has successfully sparked crucial conversations about the intricacies of modern relationships. Whether met with acclaim or critique, Rooney’s influence on reshaping our understanding of romance in literature and in life is undeniable.

Anoushka Purohit

Delhi North '25

Anoushka Purohit is a Chapter Member at the Her Campus North Delhi Chapter and a part of the Editorial team. Her writing interests range from politics, society, to talking about individuality and asking questions about life in general. Beyond Her Campus, she is a second year Political Science student of Indraprastha College For Women. She contributed as editor and interviewer for an online community page called Humans of Bhubaneswar and also worked as the head of social media for a climate awareness organisation called Fridays For Future, Odisha. Her reading interests can be identified by the number of classics she hoards as well the unique literature which finds space in her bookshelf. Her leisure time is purely dedicated to reading, dancing and attending music concerts. Apart from that, she considers herself to be a die hard rock fan and a metalhead.