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Your semester so far, as told by Parks and Recreation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

After the world’s longest winter break, returning to UD for spring semester can be a little bit overwhelming. Here’s a recap of your semester so far, as told by Parks and Recreation.


What it was like when you saw your friends for the first time since December:


How you felt when you saw how much your textbooks were going to cost you:
When you tried to play it cool as your professor started teaching a lesson on the first day of class:
When that one professor asked you to share something about yourself with the class:
How you felt after you went to the Little Bob for the first time since fall semester:
When you (barely) made it to class after braving the bitter cold outdoors:
That moment when you realize that you made it through your first week of the semester:

Despite everything, you made it through your first week back. Keep up the good work, and keep these words of advice in mind for the rest of the semester:


Marisa Wanzie is an undergraduate student at the University of Delaware. She studies Media Communication with minors in Advertising and Art History. She is currently working towards a career that will utilize her passions for social media management, event coordination, and her love of all things Disney. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, attending concerts, and watching reruns of One Tree Hill. She can almost always be found at either the nearest art museum or the nearest beach. You can follow Marisa's tweets as a Social Media Ambassador for the University of Delaware at @BlueHenMarisa. For more of Marisa's credentials, please visit: http://marisawanzie.wixsite.com/portfolio or www.linkedin.com/in/marisawanzie
Amanda Schuman is a junior at the University of Delaware. She is currently majoring in communications with a concentration in mass media and double minoring in journalism and interactive media. Amanda is passionate about all things communications whether it's social media, public relations, writing or just networking. In her free time she can be found watching sit-coms on Netflix, with a book in hand or eating anything sweet. You can follow her @bluehen_amanda