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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

It’s the start of the spring semester, and we’re all still enrolled in Zoom University. Going into last fall, no one knew what to expect from an all-online education, but this time around we have the upper hand. Our struggles of last semester can finally pay off this year since we know how to prepare for another Zoom semester. Here is some of my best advice going into this spring semester!

  1. Invest in a pair of blue light glasses. These may seem insignificant at first glance, but they can actually save your eyes from a ton of unnecessary strain during the era of online school. Blue light glasses absorb the harmful light from computer and phone screens, which is perfect for those days when spending hours staring at a screen is unavoidable. I recommend buying a cheap pair from Amazon to spare you a headache from those endless Zoom hours.

  2. Remember to take care of your body even though you don’t have to leave the couch. Even when all you have to do in the morning is turn on your laptop, it’s still important to be mindful of how often you get up and stretch. Remember to drink lots of water and walk around between classes. It may not be the first thing on your mind while you’re doing work, but trust me, getting up to stretch for any amount of time throughout the day will greatly improve your mood..

  3. Stay on top of your assignments. Just because your classes aren’t in-person, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still hold yourself accountable. Letting yourself slip with your assignments is all too easy now, so it’s more important than ever to stay focused on your bigger goals. If you feel like the work is piling up, just remember that you’re working toward something – your degree is still in reach.

  4. Be kind to yourself. Mental health is an issue that is oftentimes overlooked by many, but during a challenging time like this, it’s an absolute necessity. Make sure to check in on your friends and family regularly, but also don’t forget about yourself. Every once in a while, do something that you enjoy to relieve some stress. Juggling all of your obligations can feel overwhelming sometimes, but taking some time to focus on your mental health can dramatically boost your serotonin.

This past year, we have learned a lot and have grown even more, so it’s time we start concentrating on how to better ourselves academically. Let’s give this semester our all, because the end is in sight and eventually life will feel more normal. Good luck everyone!

Sarah Magrini is currently a Freshman at the University of Delaware. She is majoring in Communications with an interest in Media Studies. She is passionate about fashion, activism, and body positivity. She aspires to continue writing after graduation and go into journalism.
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