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Happier, Healthier, Smarter: Food Is The Brain’s Biggest Supporter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

Food is overrated and yet so underrated for its benefits for your body. When someone says to eat a salad, you assume it is because it will keep you in shape and it is “healthy” for you. But what does “healthy” necessarily mean? It can mean lots of things.It can mean that it’s good for your bone health, metabolism, energy level and the list goes on. But do you know that it is also healthy for your brain and mind? Eating plentiful amounts of fruits and vegetables are recommended, but are also needed for you to be happy! And let’s face it, happy is healthy.

First, let’s break it down. What makes you feel happy is the balanced levels of serotonin in your brain. When your levels of this chemical are low, you can be subjected to mood swings, depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraines and the list goes on. The point is: you do not feel happy. It is important to keep healthy levels of serotonin in your brain. One way you can do this is through the food you eat. It is the simplest, easiest way to kill two birds with one stone for your own benefit. Sure, McDonald’s on a night that you had too much to drink sounds amazing, and everyone is entitled to cheat days, but here is a list of three low cost foods that are an absolute necessity to have in your shopping cart:

      1. Eggs. Eggs boost tryptophan in blood plasma. Tryptophan is an amino acid that is linked, when depleted, with depression and anxiety and causes a lack of sleep. And while an abundance of eggs can be detrimental for cholesterol, one egg a day could keep the (aspiring) therapist away.

      2. Yogurt. Yogurt is an excellent breakfast food especially for students on the go. Yogurt is rich in vitamin B12. B12, like eggs, has shown signs of lowering symptoms of depression, but it has also shown signs of preventing neuron loss which is important for memory. It could reduce the risk of dementia and improve the overall sharpness of your memory. A Chobani yogurt a day could keep the loss of memory recall away.


      3. Quinoa. Quinoa is a grain that can be a substitute for rice. It is high in fiber and protein and gluten free! But, it benefits the brain because an amino acid called Lysine is in its composition. Lysine is commonly found in medicines to help treat stress, among other conditions. A boost in lysine can keep stress levels low and your serotonin levels high creating a happy brain. A bowl of quinoa a day can help keep the stress away (without taking an 8 a.m. yoga class).

Addison Reich is a lively, fun and energetic girl of 21 years old. She is a Junior Psychology major with a Minor in Health & Wellness at the University of Delaware. Ad started as Udel's junior editor, but has since worked her way to becoming their Co-CC! Addison loves to write articles about personal experience and opinion. She transferred from a different university in the fall of her sophomore year, leaving behind a volleyball scholarship, but not her passion for sports, as she is working on becoming a sports psychologist. She also loves hunting, singing and Taylor Swift. If you notice, it's her token to add a picture of Swift in every header of her articles. Keep on the lookout for the next one!
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