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photo of my best friend and I
photo of my best friend and I
Arieliz Ramos

Why My Best Friend Is The Best Relationship I Have Ever Had

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

**** Disclaimer****

Before I start, I’d just like to state that I am female and straight, my boyfriend is male and straight and my best friend is female and straight. This is just my experience from my own situation but of course it can be different person to person.

As young girls, we grow up watching movies and reading books about girls and boys who fall in love and he treats her like a princess. He knows her needs, he reads her mind, he is always there for her and always knows what to say. But the reality is MUCH different. 

Boys aren’t aware of the incredibly high expectations that society has set for them and, as such, they ultimately fall short, and of course, as girls, we blame ourselves. We feel that we’re not pretty enough or funny enough or interesting enough.

However, what these stories always forget to show is that every girl who likes a boy, has a best friend beside her. Picking her up when she falls down, wiping her tears aways and fixing up her make-up. 

See, I think, girls recognise what other girls want because it’s the very same thing that they want. Girls know a girl’s mindset, much better than a boy every will. And that’s why my best friend is the best relationship I’ve ever had. 

The fundamentals of any relationship are respect, trust and loyalty. Not this is not to say that I don’t have that in my actual romantic relationship – I do and he’s great, but my best friend just gets it on another level. 

It helps that we are quite similar people and have gone through many similar life experiences. I respect the hell out of her because what a strong, brave, courageous and stubborn human being she is. She is truly one of a kind and I am so proud of her. 

I can safely say that I would trust this girl WITH MY LIFE. Anything and everything I need, I know she is there for me. I can tell her anything in the world and she would not judge, or doubt me, for a second and I feel the exact same about her. 

I will defend this girl until I die. Now don’t get me wrong, if she does something stupid, I’ll tell her. And she’ll do the same for me. But, I don’t have to explain myself to her, she knows me and knows my intentions. 

We have the same sense of humour (mainly us laughing at ourselves) and sometimes we laugh together and sometimes we cry. Mostly we do both. 

We make time to see each other and spend time together. Even if we’re both studying in the same room, at least we’re together. She’s the first person I’ll go to for an opinion or an idea or a confident boost. I wouldn’t have survived the move away from home without her. She’s become home to me. 

Now, I really don’t want to undermine my boyfriend – he’s great too and of course we have all these things but it’s different. He’s in love with me and me with him. We have to do those things for each other – it comes with the territory of being in a relationship. But with a friendship – we choose to do those things for each other.

And every day I feel so grateful for the incredible friendship I have found with her. Boys will come and go for the both of us through-out our lifetime but I know that our friendship is forever. 

She’s safety. She’s comfort. She’s my soulmate. She’s my best friend. 

Meadhbh is currently studying to become a primary school teacher in DCU. She's started her first year of university online during the pandemic. Before attending DCU, Meadhbh studied Dance at Inchicore College of Future Education and now holds a Level 5 QQI in Dance. She is a part-time dance teacher and full-time dance enthusiast. Meadhbh is very excited to be writing for HerCampusDCU this year!