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Fighting With Your Partner, Inevitable And Normal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

No one likes fighting with anyone. I mean unless you’re into boxing or MMA. Fighting with your partner is something that can be extremely difficult to navigate and work through. Having small little disagreements here and there is a completely normal thing. We’re all human, we have times when we’ll snap and that’s ok. So here are a few things you can try if you’ve had a tiff and need to resolve it before it escalates.

Take Some Space

I’m not talking ‘we were on a break’ vibes, I’m talking about taking some space away from each other to release your emotions and gather your thoughts. This could be not talking for an hour, going on a walk, or just watching an episode of a tv show to clear your head. When we have disagreements, our emotions can sometimes get the better of us and make resolving the problem more difficult. Taking space gives you time to get yourself calm and collected.

Flip A Coin

When it comes to settling down to talk it out, flip a coin. Heads speak first, tails speak second. Something so jovial can actually really help. It gives both parties involved the chance to speak and say what they want to without being interrupted. It also prevents there from being that whole ‘you go, no you go’ pre-conversation which can only make things worse sometimes. And you may find that flipping a coin can be a bit of a giggle which may even help you forget what you disagreed about in the first place.

Lay It All Out

Say everything you want to about what happened. If you felt like maybe there was an overreaction, say it. If you can’t remember what you both disagreed about in the first place, say it. Honest and open communication can resolve all problems. I don’t know about you, but I unfortunately don’t have the privilege of being a mind reader so unless my partner tells me in plain English how they’re feeling, I really have no clue. Saying your piece and explaining what emotions you are feeling can really help your partner understand why you acted or reacted in the way you did. It’s also a great way to ensure that the next disagreement won’t be over the same thing.

Let’s be honest, no relationship is without little disagreements and some huffs. We are flawed creatures, and we all have our days. It is completely normal. Not every little fight is the end of the world, and you’ll find if you give some of these a go, you might end up having less disagreements and more open conversations.

Take a deep breath, it’ll all be grand!

Senior Editor. Your Culture Vulture. Law and French.