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Winter Alternatives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

Praise be, winter is here. If you’re anything like me, then you love winter and the cute clothes that come with lower temperatures. Also, if you’re anything like me, you get tired of wearing the same winter wear and seeing you favorite warm weather apparel on others. Here are 4 alternatives for your winter wardrobe:

1. The Coat:

No one ever said there was anything wrong with your Columbia jacket or your peacoat, but why don’t you treat yo’ self. Be unique.

2: The Boot:

How many combat and riding boots do you see in a day? As I’m writing this, I’m wearing my black lace-ups. Try a new pair of boots. Except, maybe don’t try standing like that. It seems dangerous.

3. The Plaid:

Is it even winter if you don’t wear any plaid? Instead of wearing it in the shape of a flannel, why don’t you mix it up? Try the greatest winter print on a scarf!

4: The Legging:

Let’s be real; you need leggings in the winter, especially come finals and you literally cannot fathom taking that exam, writing that paper, AND having to zip up your pants. Instead of wearing plain black leggings, why don’t you try something new? Be a giraffe for a day! I’ve never head of a giraffe who failed it’s final review.

Remember, these are only suggestions. If you have a deep, emotional connection to your peacoat, black leggings, and riding boots, don’t give them up! Don’t let me or anyone else tell you any differently! Good luck, Wildcats! Stay warm.

If you are interested in writing an article for Her Campus Davidson, contact us atdavidson@hercampus.com or come to our weekly meeting Tuesday at 8pm in the Morcott Room.