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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

First order of business: Happy early or belated birthday! A quick check with Venus proves that this year is going to be a great one, with lots of love and plenty of lols. While you wait for all that excellence to implement itself, drink something delicious and sent a text to that old friend you’ve been thinking about. They just may have some news you’ll freak about.


Gemini: May 21 — June 20

Your symbol is the twins, and following suit, you’ve been feeling like two different people lately. Who are you? Where are you? What does it all mean??? Luckily, the stars have the answers: you are you, you are at Davidson College, and it all means everything. Isn’t astrology shockingly accurate? In other news, yes, you should tell your crush how you feel.


Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Call the papparazzi, because crabcakes, you’re a hot topic! Truly, this Summer you’ll have groupies swooning over you miles around. But remember to take some time away from the limelight and relax with your Number One Fan. Do that, and the Lunar allignment promises it will be the Best Summer Ever, complete with really good movies and funky birds.


Leo: July 23 – Aug. 22

It’s in your lion’s blood: You are 100% ready for Summer. From road trips to internships, you’ve got the next few months planned out and, thanks to a heat wave on Mars, it’s all going to go quite swimmingly. All you’ve got left to do is sit back, relax, and cram a semester’s worth of material into your mind for finals! Don’t worry, you’ve got this.


Virgo: Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

What with finals and all, you life’s been a little quiet lately. A passing comet suggests that there’s a quick fix to that: Crank up the tunes! Once your ears are filled with music, your social life will be too. That is, the sweet sweet music of friendship. Make sure to hang with your favorite pals before you skeedaddle for the summer!


Libra: Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

Proactive cat that you are, you’ve got your ducks all in a row. Your Summer is looking financially successful and fiscally responsible, be it in the form of an internship, a job, or working your local lemonade stand. That’s all well and good, but Pluto, the planet of fun, is telling you to loosen up. The Sun is out and so is school: Seize the day and party!


Scorpio: Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

What’s that the Universe is whispering? The best day of your life is coming up? No, it can’t be so, it’s too good to be true! Well you’d better believe it, according to the Pegasus constellation, it’s happening whether you like it or not. In a few short weeks, exactly on your half birthday, everything you ever wanted is going to happen to you. The stars don’t lie.


Sagittarius: Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Slow down there, centaur girl! You came here for advice, and that’s what I’ll give you. On your schoolwork: It’s gonna be A-ok. By which I mean the answer is A. On that person: Let them come to you, and then once they do, pounce. It seems a little drastic but it’s just what they want. On the future: Look out for sweet shopping deals in June, and wear plenty of sunscreen. Trust me, I’m a psychic.


Capricorn: Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Congratulations! You are this site’s 100th visitor! Not actually (well, maybe), but that’s just a taste of how your Summer’s gonna go. The little-known four-leaf-clover constellation is hovering right above your house, bringing you months of luck, including (but not limited to): Lucky raffle drawings, cake-walk successes, and you’ll also probably win the lottery.


Aquarius: Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Mercury, the planet of mystery, has a few more tricks up it’s sleeve before it’s done with you. Unfortunately, some are bad: You may stub your toe during these Summer months, and you’ll definitely try to pay for something with your cat card. But some are good: You’ll get that news you wanted, that kiss you were hoping for, and your cat/dog and/or siblings will actually be happy to see you!


Pisces: Feb. 19 – March 20

Grades-wise, you got this! With a couple days to go, you’ve already super prepared for finals (you just don’t know it yet). You’re going to ace your tests, and in return your Summer will be absolutely ace. According to Uranus, it shall include an exciting midnight adventure, a spontaneous road trip, and something fluffy and cute. What’s not to love?


Aries: March 21 – April 19

Pinch my leg and call me Betsy; girl you made it through the year! And truth be told, what an amazing one it was. Cool classes, new friendships, classy and not-so-classy memories, all thanks to Neptune’s allignment (and a little bit to you). You may miss good old Davidson, but now that summer’s here, embrace it! It may just embrace (and kiss) you back, if you catch my drift. 

Onwards to Summer.


Sophie comes from Atlanta, Georgia, and now attends Davidson College in the big city of Davidson, North Carolina. She dabbled in professional beat boxing, but ultimately decided she did not want to completely dominate the industry and ruin the careers of all aspiring beat boxers. Sophie likes reading, writing, and things that are free.