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Spice up Your [Commons] Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

Commons can be overwhelming the first time you walk in. So many options, so many people, so many places to sit. SO MANY DESSERTS. However, after your first few meals in our wonderful dining hall, you become accustomed to the monotonous Commons routine. The buffet lines are pretty self-explanatory, and the salad bar speaks for itself. But not everyone knows the little tips and tricks to make your daily Commons trips worth it, so here are 7 commons hacks to spice up your life.

1. Cheese fries

A trip to Commons wouldn’t be complete without some form of indulgence. Even if you’re trying to cut the carbs and calories, cheese fries are irresistible. But wait, they’re not on the menu! Where are these elusive cheese fries you talk about?? Just like Starbucks has a secret menu, so does Commons (although it isn’t always available, so be on the lookout).

Step 1: Get yourself a heaping plate of french fries.

Step 2: Bring those fries to the “Chef Dujour” line.

Step 3: Ask for a few scoops of queso.

Step 4: Enjoy those cheese fries!

**WARNING: Cheese fries can only be achieved when tostadas or baked potatoes are on the menu – plan accordingly.**

2. Spoons

In case you missed it, there are spoons at Commons. I have now seen more than one person eat their yogurt with a fork or knife because the spoons were nowhere to be found. DO NOT FRET. They are NOT with the forks and knives at the beginning of the buffet. They’re placed near the spoon-necessary items (e.g. soup, cereal).

3. Grilled cheese

This hack is for my grilled cheese lovers out there. The sandwich line will not make you a grilled cheese. However, they will make you toasted bread with cheese. (Spoiler alert: that’s all a grilled cheese is.)


4. Quesadillas

Just like the grilled cheese, this isn’t on the sandwich menu, but it’s a completely viable option. Just ask the lovely Commons chef to make you a wrap with cheese and toast it without wrapping it. It’s a cheese quesadilla, and it’s just as good as Union’s.

5. The dark side is underrated.

We all know the light side of Commons seems more lively, friendly, welcoming, and brighter than the dark side. There is, however, no reason to fear the dark side! It’s the perfect place for a quiet, private dinner conversation, and the round tables are perfect for groups. Pro tip: to make more room at a round table, stack your trays in the middle and pull up even more chairs!

6. Potato cubes > potato coins

Now, this may cause controversy. I am prepared for the backlash about my potato opinions. Both forms of fried potatoey goodness are potential breakfast options, but I would highly recommend the cubes over the coins. The coins are too crunchy, are hard to eat with a fork, and are nowhere near as flavorful and filling as the cubes. My advice: always go for the cubes.

7. Don’t leave with fruit.

So maybe this is just a me thing, but I had heard that it was completely okay to take a banana out of Commons after breakfast. So picture me carrying my beautifully ripe banana as I walk out of Commons. I was startled when I heard a Commons staff member say, “You can’t take that with you.” WHAT? I had been lead astray! I guess bananas were not meant to leave Commons. My advice: if you need your daily dose of potassium, get a banana from the Union.

If you are interested in writing an article for Her Campus Davidson, contact us at davidson@hercampus.com or come to our weekly meeting Tuesday at 8pm in the Morcott Room.