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My Life with Davidson Netflix

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

I thought I was being so good. This summer I gave up my Netflix subscription, thinking, “This will work wonders for my productivity! And I’ll be saving $8 a month! Who needs Netflix anyway?” Not me. Of course, now that school’s started again, RLO unveils the biggest thing to hit the Davidson procrastinator scene: Movies.davidson.edu, or as I like to affectionately call it, Davidson Netflix.

I told myself I would resist the siren call of Davidson Netflix. As my friends will attest, I had promised myself that I was actually going to be “a good student” this semester. My “good student” qualifications are as follows: (1) Spend more than ten minutes at a time in the library. (2) Do my readings early. Do my readings as assigned. Actually do my readings at all. (3) Get 8 hours of sleep a night. (4) Eat breakfast sometimes. 

I knew Davidson Netflix would only screw up my new campaign for success, so I resisted. I resisted for as long as I could. I resisted for nearly a week.

Then the moment of truth came. I found myself, one evening, with all my readings done and no meetings for the rest of the night. I lounged on my bed, computer in my lap, idly browsing Facebook, thinking I might start the next novel for one of my English classes. That’s something a good student would do, right?

And then I remembered.


The siren call grew louder. I should update my planner, I thought. I should review my bio notes. I typed the web address into the search bar. I pressed enter.

Then I watched the entirety of Good Will Hunting in one sitting and shed more than a couple emotional Robin Williams-induced tears. But it was fine, you know. Good Will Hunting is set on a college campus. It’s about a math genius. That’s basically equivalent to my studying.

Tonight, 8pm, no meetings. I have my Davidson Netflix all queued up and ready for me. The Theory of Everything for tonight. Maybe I’ll start the first Harry Potter if I’m up for it. Hey, that’s set at a school too!

I think it’s gonna be a good semester.

For readers’ pleasure, I’ve compiled my top five Davidson Netflix movie recommendations:

Her. Joaquin Phoenix falls in love with a bodyless AI. You have to be in the right mood for this movie, but it’s visually gorgeous (all those pinks and oranges!). And it’s amazing how much character Scarlett Johansson can convey just with her voice.

The Lego Movie. Surprisingly hilarious and touching for a movie about Legos. Promotes teamwork AND innovation AND breaking the rules, which we all know is sometimes vital. Also, Chris Pratt. Everything is awesome!

Apollo 13. I’ve seen this movie like ten times and it’s still gold. Tom Hanks goes to space and saves the day (as he always does). Life and death circumstances. Uplifting ending. Space!!! Give NASA more money!

Mean Girls. This movie spoke to our generation. You can’t go wrong.

When Harry Met Sally. Truly, the best romantic comedy ever made. Funny and sad in equal parts. Best improvised one-liner ever (“I’ll have what she’s having”). Plus, Meg Ryan’s 90s hair. 

Thank you, RLO.