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My First 7 Days with Apple’s New News App

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

I really love reading the news, so I had high hopes for Apple’s new News. It did not disappoint. Here is the day-by-day account of my first week getting to know the app.

Day 1: What should I follow? Definitely NPR, Huffington Post, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and BuzzFeed News. And then, I totally need Educational Politics, Higher Education, and Educational Technology in addition to just good ole’ Education. Oh, and American Politics, Bernie Sanders, and 2016 Presidential Election on top of just plain Politics.

Day 1.5: This is the best thing ever. It’s like BuzzFeed, but all the important stuff without the fluff. Is it normal for a 20-year-old to enjoy reading the news this much?

Day 2: Okay, that was 5 articles in a row about Donald Trump. All of this is the same kind of news. And none of it has to do with Spain or Reproductive Rights. 

Day 2.5: *cue removal of repetitive topics, and the addition of Smithsonian, National Geographic, Vanity Fair, as well as the Spain, travel, reproductive rights, and religion tags*



Day 3: I’ve already read all of the interesting articles that appear on my Facebook feed. The News slogan should be “Be more informed, faster, and without sorting through things you don’t care about.”

Day 4: Maybe I spoke too soon. There were just 2 articles from The Atlantic on Facebook that weren’t on my News app. But that’s easy enough to fix. I’ll just follow them.

Day 5: The app really is smart… It’s already learning what I will and won’t read. This is officially the best thing since sliced bread.

Day 6: Last week I was thinking about buying the New York Times student subscription. Now I don’t need to. News is literally saving me money. Would it be too weird if I named the app? So it would be like “Oh yeah, Nancy was telling me about this cool thing.” Yeah, that’s definitely too weird. 

Day 7: And on the seventh day, I see that this is good, and I simply enjoy.