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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

Dear eyebrows,

Some people may think it’s silly that I love you so much, but you, my dear eyebrows, are my favorite feature.  Yeah, maybe not the obvious choice, but seriously, you have been through thick and thin with me.  In middle school, I was met with a rush of waxing, tweezing, and threading.  Being the tomboy that I was, I had little interest in makeup and beauty.  But one thing that really stood out to me was the size of everyone’s eyebrows.  Why were they so skinny?  Now this wasn’t the ’90s, when over-plucked brows were a popular trend. I am talking circa 2007.  But when I would look at you: soft but thick, full but nicely shaped, slightly encroaching on becoming a unibrow (I eventually learned how to use tweezers, don’t worry), I absolutely loved you, despite being noticeably different from most others.  Young Hermione Granger/Emma Watson was definitely an inspiration and encouragement in that regard, just look at those awesome eyebrows!

As I grew older and came to understand what having “full brows” meant, I started to appreciate the way you naturally helped to frame my face.  I liked how bold you were and what little upkeep you needed.  That initial pain of tweezing you in middle school was ROUGH though. I hope you can forgive me.  These days I protect you at all costs; less is more when it comes to taking care of you.  It is nice that we’ve entered an era where full brows are coveted, but even if the trend ends soon, fear not, you are safe with me. :)

Forever yours,


If you are interested in writing an article for Her Campus Davidson, contact us at davidson@hercampus.com or come to our weekly meeting Tuesday at 8pm in the Morcott Room.