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How to Dress For Valentine’s Day (and not be THAT girl)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

Look I love pink.  I decided it might be my new favorite color… okay second favorite… in class the other day.  And I know a lot of people love getting decked out in hearts and red and pink and some more hearts on February 14th.  I, however, like to keep everything but my beliefs subtle, quiet, and refined.

1. When you want to be *cute.*

Get a dress with a cute cut-out that fits the occassion.  You might need to cover up with a cardigan or something if it’s chilly.  But the color and the subtle <3 in the back add some character and charm without overwhelming anyone (yourself included).

2. For the professional

Ok, so the full suit is not so subtle perhaps, but if you can rock an all red suit– you should go for it.  For us mortals, however, I love a cute blazer in the appropriate color for any holiday look.  It’s so clean and crisp, and yet still gives you a little bounce and holiday-cred wherever you are.  Plus, it’s a way to subvert that boring daily black and beige and denim look we all start going for at this point in the semester.

…Oh, you’re still trying to look put together…

…Oh, that’s awkward….

…I’ll be in my sweatpants…

3. For going snappy casual

Ok yeah there’s another red blazer, but it’s with jeans and it’s just SO cute and effortlessly chic, I had to include it.  (Yeah, that photo/look probably took a helluva lot of effort).  But a sweater with a large graphic is another great way to go casual, but not overly comfy and you can dress it up with a cute skirt for your date later that night!

4. For getting cozy


Yeah I don’t stay in my Outfit Outfit for the whole day either.  So get sassy when you get cozy with a statement sweatshirt.  Alternative hilarious one liners include “Pizza is my Valentine.”  #classic


Yeah, there’s something to be said for getting some sexy underwear either for yourself or for your SO, but there’s also something to be said for being comfortable.  And adorable.  And having at least one matching set of pajamas so you can call yourself an adult.

A little obsessive about food blogs, books, Netflix, running, and obviously sleeping. It's not what you do, I say, but how you do it.