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HODC: Humans of Davidson College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

HoDC: Humans of Davidson College is a series started by Her Campus Davidson to profile members of the community and learn more about their stories.

“Part of the reason I joined Warner was because we raise money for HIV/AIDS charities, and my uncle died of AIDS before I was born. He was an amazing saxophone player, so good that he got 7th in the state at a competition while he had the flu. Red and Black Ball is a great way to raise money and awareness for HIV/AIDs, but it’s also a chance for me to think about by uncle and how my life would be different if he hadn’t died from the disease.

I think it is important to remember that when the party is over and all the decoration are put away, Red and Black Ball is about people making people’s lives better. We tend to forget about the people behind the statistics, but really all of this started because a few people saw other people hurting and decided to do something about that.”

If you are interested in writing an article for Her Campus Davidson, contact us at davidson@hercampus.com or come to our weekly meeting Tuesday at 8pm in the Morcott Room.

Andrew Peterson is a member of the Class of 2018 at Davidson College. He was born in Elkin, North Carolina and attended the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM).  After graduation, Andrew came to Davidson, where he is an English major and an Neuroscience minor on the pre-med track.   He began writing for HerCampus during his sophomore year, and most of his articles are human interst pieces highlighitng unique individuals at Davidson.  When he is not writing for HerCampus, Andrew serves as President of Timmy Global Health, a committee head for Dinner at Davidson, Programming and Publicity head of the Civic Engagement Council, a founder and organizer of TEDxDavidson, a University Innovation Fellow with Davidson I&E, and a regular volunteer at Ada Jenkins Free Clinic.  During his time at Davidson, Andrew has spent a summer studying British Literature at Cambridge University, lead two medical service tripes to Quito, Ecuador, went on his first mission to Nicaragua with the Chaplain's Office, and spent a summer conducing biomedial research at NYU Dental School. If you would like to learn more about Andrew, feel free to reach out to him at anpeterson@davidson.edu.