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Gourmet In Your Microwave: 5 Quick Meals For Dorm Dwellers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.


Ever want to eat something in your room that’s not the standard microwave popcorn or ramen? Below are some ideas for yummy snacks and meals that you can make and enjoy in the comfort of your room. Just stock up on the essentials and the options are endless! Hope you enjoy!


Like salty and sweet treats? Then try these college version chocolate “covered” pretzels:

What You Need:

Bag of pretzels

Bag of chocolate candy (Hershey’s Kisses or chocolate chips, for example)

Microwave safe bowl

Cooking Instructions:

1. Fill your bowl with chocolate

2. Microwave for 1 minute

3. Stir the chocolate to prevent it from burning

4. Microwave for 30 more seconds

5. Stir

6. If needed, microwave in 15 minutes increments until the chocolate is ready

Pro Tip: You want to stop microwaving BEFORE all the chocolate is completely melted. The process of stirring at the very end will melt everything all of the way.

Now you have two options:

Just dip the pretzels in the chocolate and enjoy as is OR submerge the pretzels in the chocolate using a fork, tap of the excess chocolate, place the pretzels on saran wrap or wax paper so they don’t stick, and wait for them to harden

And you’re done!


Fan of PB&J but don’t want to buy a whole loaf of bread? Never fear! Try PJ&J Wheat Thins, an easy, tasty treat for anytime of the day!

What You Need:

(Can you guess?)

-Wheat Thins

-Peanut Butter


“Cooking” Instructions:

Pretty self-explanatory, but all you need to do is replace the bread for wheat thins and then spread on your peanut butter and jelly.

Love rice crispy treats but don’t want to make a whole pan? Make ‘em in a mug!


What You Need:

4 large marshmallows

1 teaspoon of butter

1/2 cup of cereal

Microwave safe mug (or bowl)

Cooking Instructions:

1. Put the marshmallows and butter into your mug

2. Microwave for 20-30 seconds

3. Take out of the microwave when the marshmallows have puffed up and the butter has melted.

4. Stir

5. Add the cereal of your choice and combine.

And you’re done!


Want a snack but not something sweet? Try this Microwave Egg Scramble

What You Need:

2 eggs

1 tablespoon of water (or milk if you wanna be fancy)

Shredded cheese of your choice

Chopped veggies

Sliced ham, bacon, or turkey

Microwave safe mug or bowl

Cooking Instructions:

1. Mix eggs and milk in your mug and microwave for 1 minute

2. Add veggies, meat, and cheese

3. Microwave for another 30 seconds to 1 minute

And you’re done! Breakfast all day err’ day!


Tired of easy mac? Try making the real thing!

What You Need:

½ cup of macaroni

½ cup of water

1 teaspoon of butter

1 tablespoon of milk

½ cup of cheese

Microwave safe mug or bowl

Cooking Instructions:

1. Add the pasta and water to the mug

2. Cook in 2 minute intervals for 6 minutes

3. Sit in between each interval

4. Add the milk, butter, cheese

5. Microwave for 60 seconds

Extra step: Add cheese on top and put in the microwave for 30 seconds for extra cheesiness!


We all have those days when we just want to curl up in our room and hang out so I hope these sweet treats can give you a second wind while working or watching Netflix!