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Davidson Students as Disney Princesses

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

Because I have always fancied myself a Disney princess (woodland creatures have never helped me get dressed in the morning, but that’s not a deal breaker, right?), I got to thinking: where do we see the Disney princesses on our campus?


Belle is the English major whose eyes light up when she tells you what happened in her reading assignment, the future doctor who cannot get enough of studying anatomy, or the person looking at PhD programs, because she could happily spend the rest of her life learning. The quintessential Davidson student essentially.


That person you don’t hear from for hours and when you do…”Sorry I was napping.”


That friend who says, “I’m in love” when you’re trying to put her to bed after she’s had a good DFMO. Also the person who yakked, “Ran into my crush’s parents today. So basically, I met the inlaws.” With Davidson students’ busy schedules, sometimes the time to date is limited, so you gotta meet ‘em and decide you’re in love, just like Anna did with Hans.


The students from the north who are barely fazed when the weather gets chilly. To them, this North Carolina weather barely counts as winter. The cold never bothered them anyway.


Tiana is the Davidson student with her eyes on the prize. A lot of us have been there at some point. Whether it’s an internship, med school, a project, or a grant, she has a dream that she’s working towards. Yeah, she’s tired, and yeah, she’s making sacrifices, but she’s got this.


Cindy is the one who works her butt off all week long, but when it’s time to go out, she completely transforms. She knows how to have a good time, and she knows that this is what she needs right now, so she does it up right. But when midnight (or Sunday as the case may be) rolls around, she gets right back to it, always a diligent worker. 

If you are interested in writing an article for Her Campus Davidson, contact us at davidson@hercampus.com or come to our weekly meeting Tuesday at 8pm in the Morcott Room.