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The 5 Stages of Being a Hangry Monster

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

The stages of being a hangry monster as told by Parks and Rec.

(For those of you fortunate level-headed folks who don’t know what hanger is: hunger+anger)

Stage 1

It’s 1pm. You know it’s time for lunch and yet here you are…NOT EATING. Why??? Meetings? Lab? Class? Doesn’t matter. The monster has already been awoken.

Same, dude, same.

Stage 2

It’s 2pm. That first wave of hunger is gone. You’ve probably already forgotten that you were hungry because it was just too painful to think about. Now you’re kind of tired. Maybe a little annoyed? Either way the worst is yet to come.

Why are you talking to me? Stop talking.


Stage 3

It’s 3pm. This is it. You’re body feels like its shutting down. All you want to do now is lay on the floor. Maybe someone will just walk through the door with free food. NO THAT NEVER HAPPENS DURING THIS STAGE. Quit dreaming now.

Stage 4

It’s 4pm. You’re nearing the end of whatever awful commitment that’s keeping you from food. The monster is in full force. Everyone get out of my way, I’m bee-lining it to the door.


Stage 5

It’s 5pm. 4 hours later. You think you’ve made it. You’re in line at chipotle ready to consume a burrito the size of your face. BUT WAIT. There are 20 people in line in front of you? FOR A FUNDRAISER?! I am the cause, feed me please.


Stage 6: You eat.