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3 Day Startup at Davidson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

I went to the 3 Day Startup (3DS) event not quite sure what to expect. I had been told we would be starting our own small business, but I wasn’t sure how we were supposed to do that in just three days.

On Friday, all of us walked into the event with various backgrounds. Some were seniors that knew exactly what company they wanted to start and had experience in the entrepreneurial world while others, like me, were freshman with no clear idea of what they wanted out of this event.

On the first evening, Friday, our main goal was brainstorming what company we would like to create. In small groups we shared our various visions. It was fun to see a student hear an idea then develop it into something new.

During this time, various entrepreneurs wandered from table to table commenting and critiquing ideas they heard. This was really exciting because there were people helping us who had succeed in what we had hoped to do.

Finally at the end of the night each person was given the opportunity to present their own idea to the whole room. Some were nonprofits with aspirations for a better community while others wanted to start for-profit companies that changed the way certain industries worked. Hearing all the ideas was one of the best parts of the event because it showed how much innovation there is in the minds of students.

Saturday, I walked in excited because it was time to vote on which project we wanted to be a part of. Looking at the chart we had made of ideas, it was hard to decide. In the end 6 ideas were chosen to become realities. The ideas ranged from a Davidson student hair cutting service to mobile pods in which people could set up a business.

We broke up into groups and began developing and smoothing out the ideas with our teams until they became clear cohesive concepts. Again, our entrepreneurship mentors walked around and assisted us in forming sturdier business concepts.

With our newly polished plans, each group prepared a practice pitch which we then presented to the room. It was amazing to see how ideas had transformed in such a short time. Some simply became clearer, while others became entirely new ideas.  

That night we all went back to our rooms exhausted, but elated from how these ideas were becoming real.

Finally it was Sunday, our last day. We all quickly broke into our groups because at the end of that day we would be presenting our pitches to a board of professional entrepreneurs.  It became a little frantic as we neared the deadline. Teams were typing up slides and editing prototypes at an incredible speed.

Despite the slight nervous air of everyone as they settled in their seats waiting for the presentations to start, each group presented seemed confident in themselves and in their idea. The contrast between those first uncertain and shaky ideas with the bold and firm companies that were created was amazing. The panel asked tough questions, but each group held up and answered well.

In the end, we all came away with a new understanding of what is needed to create a company. Some groups went away with the intention of continuing with their company while others were happy with what they had learned, but decided to go their separate ways.  It was an amazing event that truly represented Davidson’s students’ desire and ability to be challenged and grow from those experiences.

I am a student at Davidson College in North Carolina. I love to write, read, play board games, and do crafts. I am currently a member of Her Campus Davidson and very excited about it! I have two dogs and a cat that I adore back at my home in Ohio. I am still undecided on what I want to do with my life, but the great part is I have lots of time. I like to be kept busy and have friends around. Feel free to say hi if you see me around campus because I love meeting new people!