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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dalhousie chapter.

Living in a house while in university can feel like a dream. It often serves as the first opportunity to escape people telling you what to do with your time and space. And what makes it even better is having your very best friends living with you. In some cases.

Living with your best friends can indeed be an amazing experience, but no one can avoid the hardships and situations that feel much less than great. It is inevitable that with the good comes the not-so-good, so I have compiled a list of the good, the bad, and the ugly to help you anticipate what to expect when you live with your best friends.

Up: You already know each other.

One of the scariest parts about finding a place to live is finding roommates who you will get along with and who will make you feel safe in your own home. Living with your best friends takes the stress, fear, and awkwardness out of living with new people.

Up: You and your besties will get closer than you ever have before.

Nothing brings a group of people closer together than sharing a multitude of living spaces. From love life struggles to bathroom schedules, you will start knowing everything about each other. Whether it is on an emotional level, a physical level or both, you are undoubtedly getting closer to those best friends of yours.

Down: Saying no is hard.

Having a best friend means always being there for them, so the last thing you want to do is say no when they need something – whether it be food or just wanting some alone time. There are going to be times and situations when you’re going to need to set personal boundaries, and it won’t be easy. Saying no to someone you barely know; no big deal. Saying no to someone you truly care about; is one of the hardest things ever.

Up: You will always have someone to have a deep and/or emotional conversation with.

One of the best things about having a best friend is being able to talk about anything and everything. The even better thing about living with those best friends is having them around all the time when you really need them. You have an in-house support system where they help you, and you help them. It saves you the hassle of leaving your safe space when you are in an emotional state.

Down: Missing out on the possibility of new friends

Once you are in a situation where you are living with your best friends, it kind of starts to seem like they’re your only friends. Now this in itself is not a bad thing. However, it is always important to get out there and meet new people. Living with your friends can sometimes limit these opportunities of meeting new people, and you often find yourself staying in your house much more.

Up: Sharing clothes just became so much easier.

Have you ever been getting ready for a night out and remembered, “omg, my best friend has a perfect shirt for this party I want to go to!” Well, that whole process just became so much easier. As long as everyone is okay with it and boundaries have been set, borrowing each other’s clothes is way easier (and it increases the odds that your borrowed clothes will actually end up back in your closet!)

Down: Compatible friends do not mean compatible roommates.

It is very possible to be amazing friends with someone and not spend every waking moment with them. Living with someone is truly the ultimate test. As hard as it is, friendships may not last after living together. Sometimes the things you thought you knew about someone dissipate  when you are in close quarters with them. It is important to communicate with each other if you want to make it work, and understand that it is okay if it doesn’t.

Up: It is so fun.

To put it simply, it’s a fun time. Coming from someone who lives with her best friends, Some of my most memorable moments were born in our house. It gives you an opportunity to fill your home with memories, laughter and support. What could be more fun than that?

Having an amazing group of best friends is truly a gift. Living with those best friends is and will be a challenge from time to time, but that’s not to say you won’t have amazing times living with your best friends. I think it’s really important to understand that hardships will arise. Sometimes knowing what to expect in any given situation will give you a better understanding and the appropriate knowledge to navigate said hardships. All in all, I think it’s crucial that you cherish every moment with your best friends, be it while you’re living in the same house or not. Having those moments are ultimately going to benefit you as a person.

Hey! My name is Rebecca, and I am in my third year at Dalhousie! I am Majoring in Media studies with a minor in Journalism! I love being outside, taking photos, and I love the ocean. Also, I love watching sunsets and am a big time summer girl! @rebecca._.patterson on Instagram.