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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Hi, if you somehow find this article and decide to click on it, I am going to assume that you are in fact, a hater of astrology. If you are not, you are more than welcome to come along for the ride but I must warn you this is simply a message to the non-believers. Not to persuade them to change their stance on the matter, but more to educate and hopefully decrease the number of bumbling loudmouths who are hating on astrology enthusiasts without being the slightest bit educated. I don’t have an issue with the difference of opinion, it’s the fact that I’ve seen far too many nonbelievers mouthing off like they know something when quite frankly, they don’t. So, I’ve compiled a few basic bits of information in hopes that more people can disagree with at least some knowledge about what they are disagreeing on.  

On the history aspect, astrology has been around since the days of the Babylonians, with the oldest known Greco-Roman astrological tablet being over 2,000 years old. The tablet would have been used by an ancient astrologer to map out where the sun, moon, and planets were when they were born to make predictions for them. Since then the belief system has evolved from being a staple in medieval European medical practice to being extremely helpful to mathematicians to create more accurate and complex charts. People were keeping their eyes on the sky longer than on their shoes with maps of the stars existing long before maps of the earth. With the names of the modern zodiac signs we use today coming from our friends the Greeks, there is no doubt that astrology is a subject studied alongside math, philosophy, and medicine, and has a rich history all throughout the world.  

A common misconception about astrology is that 12 signs define every person on the planet, which would be crazy. While everyone does fall under one of the 12, that is simply your sun sign. And to truly get an accurate reading, your birth chart must come into play. A birth chart, in simple terms, is a reading of where each planet fell, the angles they made, the elemental balance at the time of your birth. Certain planets are associated with certain qualities, as Jupiter is with luck, but we won’t get too much into that as this is only a basic informative article. To access your own birth chart is easy. Unlike the ancient astrologers, we can simply take to the internet and enter basic information to have a complete synopsis of your natal chart. The information needed is your birthday, city you were born in, and what time you were thrust out of your mother. Entering these in a number of different online resources (just google, “birth chart generator”) will quickly give you a rundown of your birth chart and how to decode it. This will MUCH more accurately describe you as opposed to just referring to the horoscope of your sun sign.  

Last but not least, I do realize there shall still be those who insist “tHeRe’S nO sCiENcE”, and they’re not completely wrong. While astrology in and of itself does not have much to back it in the scientific world, at least relating to how the astrological positions relate to your mood and disposition, it is one of the most widely used methods to enact the placebo effect. For those uneducated, the placebo effect is when the belief of a random method actually makes a person feel better. In this instance, the belief being held within the stars, and people for centuries have used to explain random events and to relate to one another. While the basis of it may not be grounded in the laws of science, belief is something that holds power whether you like it or not.  

Altogether, I really could not care less if you believe in astrology after reading this article. The point I would just like to have made is that the study of the stars and their application to the natural world and human nature is an ancient practice, and if it was truly BS, we would have forgotten about it a long time ago. So, no matter your perspective on the matter, just remember that people are into different things, and just because you don’t feel the same way or don’t agree doesn’t mean that their interests are any less valid and real.  

Lauren Miller is a sophomore at Central Washington University majoring in Apparel, Textiles, and Merchandizing. She enjoys Mac Miller, grapefruits, and acrylic nails. Her goal is to eventually study at Parsons School of Design in New York, and one day, be a designer at fashion weeks all over the world.