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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

These frigid months can absolutely be brutal especially if you have dry hair and skin. From frizzy unruly hair to dry, cracked skin the winter season can be an unbearable time for those who experience dryness. I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to work with dry hair and skin during this season, as I have to deal with dryness as well. Fortunately, I have found that there are a variety of ways to make managing dry hair and skin easier this winter.


1. Use a leave-in conditioner

Leave-in conditioners are a great investment as they add moisture and hydration to your hair. These conditioners are especially beneficial as they protect your hair from the cold, dry weather, the effects of hot styling tools and even indoor heating. Additionally, a leave-in conditioner allows time for your hair to really absorb the conditioner so it can become hydrated and soft. Personally, I have found that leave-in conditioners are beneficial, especially for dry hair as they can make your hair easier to manage during the winter. 

2. Reduce hAIR wASHING

As tempting as it may be to wash your hair on a daily basis, it is actually detrimental to the health of your hair as washing your hair too often has been shown to rid your hair of “its natural oils” that keep your hair moisturized and protected. Instead, try washing your hair every other day or for a few days a week to give your hair a much-needed break, so it can restore its natural oils. On the days when you don’t wash your hair, applying dry shampoo is a great alternative as it helps to reduce the dryness of your hair and will also give you a fresh-looking hairstyle. 


Not only does the dry winter air cause your hair to become dry and difficult to manage, but the indoor air of your house, dorm or apartment can also dehydrate your hair. A humidifier will release moisture into your indoor space and will help to rehydrate your hair.


The heat from these particular products can make your dry hair even worse as it can cause damage to your hair, especially during the winter months. From using a hairdryer to a curling iron, the heat from these styling tools can suck the “moisture” right out of your hair strands. Rather than using these products, invest in letting your hair air dry and also take this opportunity to explore alternative hairstyles such as braids, buns and ponytails. 


Much like committing to a weekly face mask that helps to rejuvenate your skin, a hair mask also provides benefits, especially for those with dry and damaged hair. A hair mask will not only reduce the dryness of your hair, but it will also ensure that your hair is protected and healthy at the same time. Additionally, there are a variety of hair masks to choose from as you may be experiencing other hair problems aside from just dry hair. So choose one and enjoy!


1. aPPLY A FACE mask

Committing to a weekly face mask can allow for your dry skin to rejuvenate itself as it’s being cleansed and nourished. Although I struggle to find time for applying a face mask, I have found that when I do, my skin becomes more moisturized and hydrated especially if it has become dry and flaky. What is really good about face masks is that there is a variation of different ones to choose from. However, there are certain masks that are better for dry skin, such as rinse-off masks and even some sheet masks that work for dry skin. Even better, you are also allowing time for any self-care and relaxation that you may need as you are writing essays or studying for exams. So take some time for yourself and your skin!

2. Apply handcream or lotion

Applying hand cream or lotion to your hands is one of the best things you can do especially if your hands become dry and cracked in the winter. Many hand creams and lotions also add moisture and hydration to your skin which can be beneficial for your skin, especially in the frigid winter air. 

3. Drink plenty of water

As difficult as it may be to ensure that you are drinking enough water, hydration is one of the best things you can do for your skin especially in the winter months. Hydration is incredibly important not only to your nutritional health, but also to the health of your skin. Drinking water helps to prevent any breakouts on your skin and also reduces any dryness of your skin. So, remember that hydration is key!

4. Apply sunscreen

Although the winter may not seem like the time to apply sunscreen, it is actually important to apply sunscreen to your skin all year round to protect your skin from the Ultraviolet rays (UV) that the sun gives off. These UV rays can cause damage to your skin in which the barrier that helps to maintain your skin’s health and hydration can become reduced in its protection. For best results, you should use sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 30 and apply it after you moisturize your skin.

5. moisturize

After you wash your face in the morning as you are getting ready for your classes, remember to moisturize your face to restore any of your skin’s natural oils that you may have lost after washing your face. Not only should you remember to moisturize your face, but you should also remember to moisturize any part of your body that you washed as your skin’s natural oils help to “lock in moisture.” So make sure that you moisturize your skin daily!

I hope that these tips are especially helpful as you are managing your dry hair and skin during these freezing months.


Hi there! I am third-year student at CWU majoring in psychology with a minor in theatre arts. In my spare time, I enjoy baking, reading, singing, and exercising.