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Anna Schultz-Girls In Gas Station With Junk Food
Anna Schultz / Her Campus
Career > Work

The Dos and Don’ts of Shopping at the Grocery Store

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

If you read my article “Navigating Your Next Trip to the Grocery Store”, where I break down the grocery shopping techniques to consider while at the store, then you know that I am a grocery store bagger. If not, then I suggest that you read it before reading this one.

As a grocery store bagger, I do a number of tasks, from bagging groceries, cleaning up spills, to collecting carts. Although completing these tasks keeps me busy, there are also a number of setbacks that can make the job more challenging. With this being said, there are a number of things that one can take into consideration while grocery store shopping.



Putting your cart back in either one of the corrals outside in the parking lot or in the lobby makes this job so much easier. By not leaving your cart in the aisles or outside the cart corrals, you are not only making your courtesy clerk’s life easier, but you are also ensuring parking lot and traffic safety.


I can not emphasize this enough! It is important to treat grocery store workers with respect. We take the time to ensure that you have all your groceries bagged, have a clean store to walk into, have a cart to use, and find what you need. 

If you are unable to find something, need a replacement item, need an extra cart, or anything else, we will help you or at least find you the assistance you need. A little respect goes a long way.

3. Be mindful of your surroundings

While shopping at the grocery store, it is important to be mindful of your surroundings. By being mindful of your surroundings, you are not just aware of what and who’s around you, you are also respecting the space of the people around you. This can come in the form of not talking loudly on the phone or having your phone on speaker at the checkout line, letting other people pass you in an aisle, or not reaching across someone for an item on the shelf. 

When being mindful of your surroundings, it is important to remember that everyone, including the workers, have their boundaries and are doing everything they can to get by. By practicing this, you make the shopping experience better for everyone involved. 

4. be patient

Patience is key while on a trip to the grocery store. Whether you are shopping during the lunch, dinner, or late night rush, it is important to keep in mind how busy the store is, and the number of staff available. If the store appears to be short staffed or slow, please keep in mind that you may be waiting up to a few minutes before getting assistance or while getting through check out. Remember that we are doing the best we can to help you get through your shopping safely. 

5. clean up after yourself

Whenever you are shopping at the grocery store, it is important to clean up after yourself. Whether you treat yourself to a meal in the dining area, using the bathroom, or have anything to dispose of, please do everyone a favor and clean up your table or clean out your cart. 

I can not count the number of times I have had to clean out a grocery shopping cart or dispose of the unmentionables of the bathrooms. If you happen to drop a jar of pickles in aisle 5, please let any of us know and we will clean it up. Taking that few extra seconds to throw out your coffee makes the lives of your grocery store workers easier. 


1. don’t shoplift

Under any circumstance, do not shoplift! Not only does shoplifting add an unnecessary amount of stress on the lives of those involved, but it also takes time to scan every item back in and put them back on the shelf. 

2. DOn’t be rude to the workers

Being rude to the workers is not the answer to your frustrations. We understand that we may be out of your favorite yogurt or you have been waiting a while for assistance, but that is no reason to give us a hard time. Please understand that we are doing everything we can to help you find an item or have your groceries packed and ready.

During your next trip to the grocery store, please keep in mind that we are all doing the best we can to satisfy your shopping needs. When in doubt, remember to be considerate of others and respect the boundaries of others. 

XOXO Her Campus

Hi there! I am third-year student at CWU majoring in psychology with a minor in theatre arts. In my spare time, I enjoy baking, reading, singing, and exercising.