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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Being a senior in High School is something that people think about forever. Finally, senior parking, senior pictures, and best of all senior prom! Everyone has a picture in their mind of what their perfect ending looks like, but college? We never really think about what our senior year of college is going to feel like until we get here and frankly, it’s a lot scarier the second time around.

Going into senior year of high school is a bittersweet time; it’s your last first day of school, last Friday night football game and your last homecoming dance. In the back of your mind you’re not that sad because you know that college (aka the most freedom you’ll ever had had this point) is just around the corner.

What they don’t tell you is that going into your senior year of college is another a “last first day,” but instead you have a career ahead of you, and let’s be honest, that’s scary as hell.

The “OMG I need to have my life together!” and “I have no idea what kind of job I want!” feeling becomes a lot more present than ever before. When you realize there is no more school to go back to next Fall. This is it. It’s real. It is totally acceptable not to know what you want to major in when you are a senior in High School, but when you’re three years into your undergrad and still aren’t quite sure what you want to be when you “grow up”…that’s a bigger issue.

Oh and that husband or wife you were going to find in college? Yeah…nvm.

Being a senior in college is not all bad though! Being an 18-year-old living at home, then looking forward to spending time by yourself because as you get older you actually start to enjoy that kind of thing (???). The journey of changing and loving yourself as you grow is amazing, and SO important! The things you value change, you make great friends, and learn what really brings you joy. Your view on the world can also change, and you realize that there are more important things in life than what you’re wearing to the football game this Friday.

So don’t freak out because the real world is three short quarters away, instead embrace how far you’ve come. And enjoy the last of firsts and toast to all you’ve accomplished. Here’s to SENIOR YEAR and to being that much closer to a college degree and the beginning of the rest of your life!

President at Her Campus CWU Senior, Public Relations Major at Central Washington University!