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Season Two of Big Mouth Hits the Hard Facts About Sex Ed and You Need to Watch It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Netflix has been putting out some pretty good content as of late, with movies like Sierra Burgess is a Loser and To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before being the most popular. But one of my favorite Netflix Originals has to be Big Mouth. It’s basically a show about middle schoolers going through puberty that has me crying laughing by the end. And with the second season recently coming out, Big Mouth informs others and ensues hilarity. In one episode, the kids in the show discuss the many aspects of sex ed, like contraception and STDs. A The Bachelor-esque segment called Miss Conception has one of the characters picking out a form of contraception in a rose ceremony and also informs the audience about the many different types of contraception. A talking condom and diaphragm (which I didn’t even know was a type of contraception) are two of the many choices. Another segment of the episode has two female characters discussing the many different roles that Planned Parenthood has in women’s reproductive health, and proves that it’s not just an “abortion factory” like one of the other characters assumes it to be. The mythical “blue waffle disease” is also part of another segment, and it shows how dangerous myths about STDs can really be.

In my opinion, if a TV show can inform and still be funny, it has my stamp of approval. But, fair warning, Big Mouth is not for the faint of heart. There’s some pretty raunchy lines, but if you enjoy that type of humor, then Big Mouth is the show for you!



Self-love advocate and intersectional feminist with a passion for music, photography, and writing (she/her)