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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Reading is one of my favorite down time activities, especially during the winter months. Nothing is quite cozier than reading a good book next to a warm fire with a glass of wine in hand or some yummy hot cocoa. However, during the quarter I have almost no free time to read because I’m too busy with homework. Every winter break I like to make a short list that I’ve accumulated since summer of my planned reads for the break. I figured I would share them with you as well!


  1. We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I read this one just a few months ago and wow. It’s a short and easy read but incredibly impactful. She also gave a Ted Talk about this topic which is how I came across her book. Whether you’re a feminist or not, I highly recommend this book to anyone. 



  1. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

This is the book I am currently reading. It’s a longer read for most at 500+ pages. It takes place simultaneously in Paris, telling the story of a young blind girl, and a young orphan boy in Germany during the Nazi era. Their stories eventually become interwoven and although I am not yet to that part of the story, I know it’s going to be good! Oh, and this book also won the Pulitzer Prize.



  1. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

I read this book a couple years ago and it is one of my all-time favorites. It’s a longer read as well, but it sucks you in so fast that you can’t put it down. The literature is so rich and beautiful. Written through the viewpoint of a young boy named Theo who survives an accident that his mother dies in. He is taken in by well off family friends and his whole world as he knew it is changed. The story follows him into his adult life and how he can’t escape the scars from his past. I might need to reread it after this expert. It’s also a Pulitzer Prize winner.



  1. The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

This is a book for fans of dark and twisted stories. It’s been compared to The Girl on the Train and Gone Girl. A single, reclusive woman, living alone in her New York apartment, spends a majority of her time spying on her neighbors. A new family moves in across the way but as she gazes out her window, she sees something she shouldn’t. After that, her world completely changes. I am so excited to start this book!



  1. The Immortalists by Chole Benjamin

I actually read this book over the summer and I loved it so much. I felt a personal connection to this book because the main characters are 4 siblings, 2 brothers and 2 sisters which is the same as me and my siblings. Taking place in 1969 New York, the siblings visit a psychic who claims she can tell anyone the day they will die. Each sibling is told their date and the book follows them until their death. The whole premise of the books makes you think, how would you live your life if you knew the day you were going to die? Or thought you knew the day you were going to die? The story of the siblings love and protection of each other is so beautiful it brought me to tears numerous times.



And there you have it! If you’ve previously read any of these books or read any over winter break, let us know! We’d love to hear your feedback on what you thought of the books.


Happy Winter Break, babes!

Senior at Central Washington Univ. majoring in Psychology. Trying to spread kindness and joy in everything I do.