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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

All right y’all, we’re all stuck in our houses and staring at the same posters day in and day out can really get a girl (or anyone, honestly), in their feels. As one of those aforementioned girls, I’ve been spending a lot of time in my playlists. Whether it’s love songs to daydream to, sad jams to cry to, or songs to dance alone in your room while awaiting the impending implosion of our country, I’ve put together a couple of my favorites to pass on to another fellow’s speakers. Because if I’m being honest, music’s the only thing keeping me sane right now, so it’d be selfish not to pass on the medicine.  

Thinking ‘Bout You – Dua Lipa 

On god, if you’ve got someone who forgot to look both ways before they crossed your mind and seem to be doing it over and over again, this slow jam is for you. Honestly, I slept on this song and rediscovered it after my roommate played it in the car and said, “I cried a lot to this song”. Now, being a Virgo, I don’t cry. But if I were going to, I would most definitely play this song as the tears streamed down my face. Regardless thou, the song articulates one of my daily struggles pretty clearly. I can’t stop thinking about you.  

In This Car – Trapo ​

pink toy car in bright setting
Photo by Terri Cnudde from Unsplash

Now that you’ve cried to Dua, it’s time to regain your bad b*tch status with a little hip hop to peace sign in the mirror too. Trapo’s pretty underrated and this happens to be my favorite song of his. The drop at the beginning sounds like something I’d see edgy teens on Tik Tok making aesthetic videos to, but in a good way. “Eat forbidden fruit, see forbidden knowledge”, a lyric that speaks to my soul. Check it out, it’s a good song.  

Garden (Say It Like Dat) – SZA 

If you don’t like Ctrl, SZA’s 2017 album, I do not trust you. Easy as that. If you’re insecure like me, she speaks truths you never knew were true about you. Personally, to listen to this song in a peak environment, I’d learn all the lyrics, turn off all the lights and take a shower with water hot enough to rival Satan’s pee. Sit on the floor of the shower and annoy everyone you live with by scream crying the lyrics. Let’s face it there’s really not much else to do in quarantine so while it may seem fishy, this experience will not disappoint.  

Amphetamine – Smino 

If you’ve listened to the past three songs now, you’re probably in a weird emotional state, I feel that, so let’s calm it down a little with a song off of one of my top 5 albums, by one of my top 5 artists. This song will, in fact, calm you down, and coming in at over 7 minutes long, it gives you a decent amount of time to do so. There are flow changes that are almost like you’re listening to multiple tracks in one, and no one can deny a deal like that. If you’re not already convinced, Noname makes a feature as well. You’re welcome.  

I Have Been (Remix) – Ari Lennox ft. Smino 

Let’s end this mini playlist on a high note why don’t we? Ari’s sweet sweet vocals are high in pitch and high in meaning, singing “I’ve been smokin’ purple haze all to forget about you”. We’ve all got someone we want to forget about; I know I do. So why not get out those feels with a nice rhythm, incredible vocals, and a very comforting message at the end. Smino makes a short appearance at the beginning, and if his sound isn’t for you there is a version without him. I though, enjoy his addition and hope that you will too.  

From one music lover to another, all I can hope is that at least one of these tracks make it to your playlist, or you at least let them grace your ears as they are a true treat. Living through a global pandemic full of trash media, over saturation of opinions by people who have zero medical knowledge, and not being able to see the people you love the most is taking a toll on us all. So please, use my medicine for yourself. Healthcare may not be free but shoot man, music is, take advantage.  

Lauren Miller is a sophomore at Central Washington University majoring in Apparel, Textiles, and Merchandizing. She enjoys Mac Miller, grapefruits, and acrylic nails. Her goal is to eventually study at Parsons School of Design in New York, and one day, be a designer at fashion weeks all over the world.