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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Discovering love languages and their meanings has completely changed my perception of relationships. Not only are they a great tool to get to know yourself but by knowing the love languages of those around you can make understanding them easier as well.  Finding your love language is extremely easy, I took a quick quiz here and got my results in minutes. The results are given in the form of a list the highest number being 12, numbered from most prevalent to least prevalent. my personal results were, 

9 – Quality Time

8 – Physical Touch

5 – Acts of Service

5 – Words of Affirmation

3 – Receiving Gifts

My results were not surprising, but the insight given helped me understand that what I project in a relationship isn’t necessarily what’s best for my partner. While my number one love language is quality time, so spending as much time as possible with my partner is key for me to feel loved that doesn’t mean that’s most important to them, and it’s important to recognize that. When love languages are ignored its common to feel a disconnect, which can lead to each side utilizing their own love language in hopes of helping, but nothing is more effective than learning and appreciating your other half’s. 

If you’re interested in learning more the first step is taking the test, then you can check out  The Heart of the Five Love Languages written by Gary Chapman!


Pisces ❀ cwu '23 avid feminist