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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Intentional… When you say that word, what comes to mind?

We all have a different view on how to fill our own life with intention and purpose. Personally, it means living in my own truth every day, surrounding myself with my people, and being conscious of my actions. These three things are the key to my overall happiness, and an amazing quality of life.The first step to living an intentional life, is finding what you value, and what you believe in. Some people might have different ideas of what their “truth” is, but regardless of what your truth is, it is crucial to find it, and hold tight to it. What makes you who you are? Whatever the answer do not ever hide from that. Embrace it with everything that you are, become it, and thrive.

The second step in living an intentional life is surrounding yourself with “your people”. “Your people” are the ones that will lift you up in any situation, they remind you of how amazing you are and just how capable you are of achieving great things. Surround yourself with “doers” people that are always doing, creating, and thriving. These people will never bring you down because they feel insecure or jealous. If you notice people that put you down in your life, cut them out. No excuses. Do not let people ever make you feel like you are “too much” or like you are “hard to love”.  Having positive, beautiful people that will challenge you, but only in hopes of growing you to your full potential.

The third step in living with intention is being conscious of your actions. For me this looks like thinking about what I’m going to say before I just blurt it out, It means thinking about how I am going to tell someone something so that it heals them, or grows them in some way, instead of hurting them.

To truly live intentionally I believe it is important to set goals, both big and small. An example of a big goal towards living intentionally would be to not tell lies, to be present in every moment, to not be on your phone all the time, to end relationships that do not fill you up with love and happiness, or to not settle for things that do not serve a purpose in your life. Smaller goals might include thinking about the situation you’re in before you blurt something out, complimenting someone on something that you genuinely appreciate, paying for someone’s coffee in line to spread good cheer, or standing up for someone that doesn’t have the ability to do so.

 Living intentionally for me looks different than what it will for you. It is virtually impossible to live a full and intentional life if you don’t know what you stand behind, if you don’t think about what actions you are taking to make your life the best that it can be, or if you are surrounding yourself with toxic people. Do not feel guilty for standing up and being who you are or for cutting things/ or people out of your life because they are not helping you grow. Be unapologetically yourself, bloom and never stop growing and be someone that you would like to meet.

Let’s make 2017 a good one, Dolls. 
