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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

If you’re like me you must love decorating for the holidays! Whether doing little things here and there or full-blown house decorations. When you’re in college it is tough to make things feel like home, but I think the holidays are the best way to make any space feel a little cozier and welcoming. 

It is very important to make your space feel safe in whatever way that is for you. Having your own space that just feels like you, can help you have at least one place that you know no one else can ruin. It is yours and only yours. You decide what happens, if you bring in new things or get rid of old ones, try out new colors or scents or designs. When you have a space like this it is easy to make whatever you want since you know it’s what will make you feel good.

When it comes to decorating a dorm most things you need to do will need to be smaller and most simplistic. Such as fairy lights, mini Christmas trees or garlands. These simple decorations can make a huge difference in making your space feel more festive. 

You can do very similar things when it comes to decorating an apartment or home. Though we have more space you are able to have a little more fun with the decorations that you choose. Now of course buying a full-blown Christmas tree when most people go home to their families for Christmas break may be a little overkill since it will die before you really get to enjoy it. But you can get a small tree, a fake tree or even your own DIY tree. You can add stockings, garland, snow globes, nutcrackers, etc. Even if it is something small, the holiday spirit can always make a space feel a little more like home. 

Henley is a freshman at Central Washington University and is trying to find her passion. As a freshman, she is still looking into what career path she is interested in. Some of her interests include going to the gym, watching movies, cooking/baking, and just hanging out with friends!